posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 03:46 PM
I will be 50 soon. When I was in my 20s and 30s, especially 30s, I got into short term relationships that kept ending in disaster. What I know about
that now, that I was completely ignorant to then, is that I --was-- a desperate individual who was UNcomfortable with: how I looked, felt, under my
skin, in my clothes, hated my hair, hated my jobs and where I lived. But instead of focusing on fixing all those, I focused on someone else to help
fix them. I do not know why that darkened veil was over my 'brain', and why it is not, now. I had sought to be 'rescued', like when you go and
rescue a homeless pet from a shelter. But unlike said pet, who is cute and desirable and happy when fed, I was bitter, suspiscious, jealous,
resenfull, depressed, anxious, and harbourd hidden motives and expectations. I am tremendously embarrassed to admit that, it never had occurred to
me, that NO ONE not even me ---- wants to 'rescue' THAT. After this Great Realization of the TRUTH, I totally and completely lost interest in
pursuing relationships, and focus on how to maximally make myself ready for real and active life, while only socializing with, and appreciating my
blood family. Parent, grandparent, and siblings. However, my "focus"ing is taking a VERY long time, as I am cocooned in a comfort zone, that I
often fear, I may never be motivated enough to ever emerge from! On those nights I'm in front of my 'GhostHunters' episodes on TV, with a slice of
real-cheese pizza, and a goblet of cheap wine, 'It's-all-good', but TOO good. Oh well.