posted on Mar, 30 2009 @ 08:48 PM
My soul is thirsty for you, plenty has been denied to me, for that I hunger. I see that wich I need, yet it never comes. I cry out for a never ending
love. My tears fall for you, although we've never met you were ment for and I you, foretold in the heavens bearing an untold amount of soulful
rejoice, we are as one both physically and emotionally. Bound by material and essence of life, we combine, never doubting the reason, just endless
passion till we are weak and un-wanting. Yet more still lies waiting, watching for the opertuinity to flourish in all of it's beautiful magnificence.
For my very being belongs only to you as yours does to me, a straight line from creation to fulfillment blueprinted in heaven itself, I love you, not
for you but for all that you are and all that you are made up of. Infanitly exsisting for me, a gift of beauty and wholeness untold.
My very core quakes at the receipt of your glance, I'm blessed to be victim of your gaze, for it is powerful and immortal. The very fiber of my being
tempted and intced by your presence alone, your physical connection to that of mine remaining unbreakable even by time itself. I worship the very
thought of your exsistance regardless of the plane.
A rose created in your likeness , couldn't a thousand fold do justice to your magnificance and beauty, fulfilled in the creation that is you,
angel's weep at the sight.