First of all, reposting my bob contents list for informational purposes.
Its a black butpack which i wear sideways like a courier bag for comfort.
Everything is in baggies to keep organized. EDIT forgot to mention my ACU pattern camelback for hydration
A scalpel
Cheap survival knife with stuff inside the handle like hooks, line and sinkers also has matches. (its the back up of the back up)
2 2 way radios
Inside one baggy
2 emergency ponchos (transparent)
2 emergency space blankets
various maps of the area
tissot compass with map reader and magnifying glass
sewing kit with different threads and all types of different needles
extra AA and AAA batteries for radios and night vision
small card size sewing kit that i got at a hotel as a backup
sharpie marker (never know when you might whant to leave a message or or something like that)
Small foldable scissors as a backup
nail clippers (you cant imagine how necessary this might be)
small mirror for signaling and checking out hard to see wounds
Inside another baggy
Most of the items bellow are packed in independent small baggies
Anti allergens (lots)
Pain killers (lots)
Different medicines to treat stomach illnesses
Anti spasm medicine
Anti inflammatory medicine
Iodine (no brainer)
Different types of vitamins and suplements
Other types of medicines (to many to list)
surgical clamp
angio catheter (to treat a pneumotorax; if you don't know what that it don't even attempt it...)
US army type tourniquet (the one you can apply on yourself)
Various bandages
Cotton wads
super glue (excellent to seal arteries and other wounds HAS SERIOUS AND DANGEROUS SIDE EFFECTS DO NOT USE IF NOT ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY)
Anti bacterial/fungal cream
sun block
Surgical tape
Band aids
Cream to treat bruises and sore limbs (comes in a handy round tin)
And there's some more stuff, cant remember what... but these are the most important items.
Left side pocket
My shooting gloves
Right side pocket
70 pound test fishing line
Front pocket
2 long isolate cables rolled into tight balls
2 long non isolated cables rolled into tight balls
Small LED Flashlight
A long thin metal rope (the type that you can build a snare with)
A long rope to help me build shelter
A couple of lighters
Lock pick set (DIY)
Forgot one or 2 more things... sorry
On the strap
Gerber Mc Giver tool
On the little top straps
Night vision scope
if necessary a machete or crowbar
In my pockets
Cell phone with a flash light
Automatic knife with a small flashlight on it
Car Keys (hmm might be an important item hugh...)
OK, I'm sorry if I forgot some things but it's in my trunk right now and I'm not going out just for this post.
I also have another backpack ready to go with MRE's and some other stuff but I will only grab that one if I know I'm never coming back. Also has
decent camping equipment.
Another thing I WILL NOT discuss the nature of my firearms or my ammo. Word of advice, 7.62 is your friend and never go to a gun fight with a handgun
that's caliber starts with anything smaller than a 4. Shotguns rule...
Never take a knife to a gunfight but take lots of guns to a knife fight.
OK so that's all the new knowledge that I have to give. But as for the topic, in my opinion everybody should have a bag of this nature. It's saved
my ass in more than one perfectly normal situation. I like to keep mine in my trunk because I'm about 2 seconds running/gunning distance from my
front door.
In any case I strongly recommend anyone to make even a basic BOB or EDC. I also recommend everyone to get even basic first aid cert, so that you have
access to all the medical goodies without hurting yourself.
In my case my bug out spot is aprox 40km for where I am right now, but I can get there in about 1 hour in my car through very concealed back roads
down the mountains. Basically Whats listed above plus some training and firepower should be good for 24 if each member of your team has something
similar adapted to their specific skills.
But anyway, when carried under my arm like a purse and with a heavy coat or poncho on top (the weather here is like that...) it wont even raise an
eyebrow. How do I know because I've actually gone out on the street with it and looked at people for reactions asked people I know if they notice
anything different.
@ Northern Raider
Again harking back to my infantry days I also have an aversion to having things about me that can slow me down or occupy my hands more than
neccessary. IE Rucksacks, Pouches etc . I like my hands free as much as possible and if things are really crappy I want them free to hold defensive
weaponry, not straps or handles on luggage.
Same here bro... Nothing should be found between your hand and your gun. Simple life or death principle.
@ everybody, please tell me what you can correct about the items listed above.
EDIT also corrected saner to snare...
[edit on 21-2-2009 by TheDarkFlame]
[edit on 21-2-2009 by TheDarkFlame]