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Mother killed by six-year-old son

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:48 AM

Mother killed by six-year-old son

A SIX -YEAR-OLD boy has accidentally shot his mother dead with his father's gun at their home in Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby.

The unnamed mother "from a prominent Port Moresby family" died on the way to hospital on Sunday afternoon, PNG's Post Courier newspaper reports.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:48 AM
Imagine how this kid would feel when he grows up and finds out he shot his own mother, accidently or not doesn't matter really, she is dead.

Now let's discuss GUNS again... What is your view on GUNS. Should civilians have the right to own a gun? Some would argue that if we don't have guns than the criminals will, and that is something even worse.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:50 AM
My view on guns is that you should not let six year olds play with them nor have them accessible to a six year old.

When does personal accountability come into play? never?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:51 AM
Accidents happen. This is horrific, but it is an accident and I feel for the family and especially the boy. He should never have been allowed near a gun.

That being said, accidents should not demonize gun ownership. Responsible gun ownership is the norm.

[edit on 2/16/2009 by skeptic1]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:07 AM
Responsability... When i was about 9 years old, i was in our basement near a tool bench. Digging behind some old coffee cans of nails, low and behold...i found my grandfathers .38 revolver. I wasnt totaly aware at what i had found, jsut that it was like in the cartoons ide watch, WOW a gun!!! I had pointed the barrell at my face, and loked down it. After a few seconds, and realizing my finger was touching the side of the trigger, a strong sense of fear and panic came ove me, and realized, what could have happened. I told my mom what i found, and hse was semi hysterical. She got rid of the gun. Makes me think to this day, what could have happened.
I myself, am a gun enthusiast and supoprter does come with shuold have been locked up somewhere in any case.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:11 AM
Port Moresby was ranked as the worst capital city on Earth. So personally I find the only great surprise here is that this made the news.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:12 AM
I think you all have hit the nail on the head. Gun ownership comes with GREAT responsiblity. The boy should have never been able to get near the gun in the first place.

And as some of you have said, good luck to the healing in this family, there is going to be great guilt on the part of the gun owner (I hope) and the poor boy when he realizes what he has done.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Ownification

Now let's discuss GUNS again... What is your view on GUNS. Should civilians have the right to own a gun?

Frankly, I would feel a lot safer if our police were disarmed. I think every responsible common man should have weapons equal to what the military uses. I think our children should be trained from an early age how to use these weapons.


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:38 AM
I don't think theres any need to go into "should civillians have guns?" or "what guns should civillians be allowed?"....theres a whole world of threads out there on this.

This is just another case of the gun owner not being responsible in where they leave thier gun lying around.

Sad, but won't be the last.


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:38 AM
i think six year olds should not be allowed to play with guns... or self deluded rednecks.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by Ownification

What do you mean by "finds out he shot his own mother"?

I think at age 6 his brain is developed enough that he will remember this incident for the rest of his life.

I really don't know why this is news though... enough accidents have occured in the past for people to know not to let guns and kids mix.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:56 AM
Lets ban guns. I also think we need to ban cars because of the 6 year old who ran over his mother in the driveway on accident the other day. I also think we need to ban swimming pools because people drown in them. Hell lets just ban water because when you drink to much it can kill you. Lets ban planes because look what happens...they can crash and kill people. Lets ban the internet because kids are meeting online perverts and getting killed.

I could go on and on but we would be banning everything that exists. As someone pointed out above when does self responsibility come into play? Why does a six year old have a gun in his hands? Who was watching him? Sorry guns are a necessity in a free society and this shooting or others like it will not change my outlook on guns.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:59 AM
That poor little boy is going to have to grow up with that on his conscience. What kind of idiot would give there child a gun to play with let alone a loaded one? :/

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:43 AM
This story is very tragic. In my opinion the boy is now at risk for committing suicide when he grows older. I don't think many people would be able to handle this kind of thing being on their conscience.

Once he realizes the severity of his actions he may fall into a depression and try to hurt himself.

I don't see this situation ending well for this young boy. How are you supposed to live with the fact that you took your own mother's life?

Contrary to popular belief children know more about life than adults care to admit. He may already realize the extent of his actions and its probably eating him up inside.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:46 AM
ya know just for the record, its not just about age

its about intelligence and ways of life

there are kids out there who can be responsible enough to use a firearm properly, i have a 8 year old cousin whos a better shot then his dad

but he doesnt just have his own gun, his dad uses oversight and responsibility and intelligence

what we have in this case is a young kid whos parents didnt do the job of parenting, so the kid shot em

not the kids fault, not societies fault

not the guns fault

not the gun laws fault

its the parents fault

how did a irresponsible 6 year old who doesnt know about gun safety get a gun

this isnt the governments fault, or gun makers or lawmakers fault

this is plain and simple the parent failed the kid

i mean look back to the times when the U.S.A. was being formed, using guns and hunting was a way of life, young kids were out there hunting with their dad using fire arms as a means of survival, they didnt go popping off at their parents or other people

but nowadays parents arent like they used to be, they dont watch their kids, they dont teach them properly, and for a large part, most of the parents arent even smart enough to be able to teach their kids properly because theres a overabundance of ignorant dumb people breeding out of control like roaches

so in a way it is societies fault, not because of our gun policies but because of our birth policies, ya see, thats what happens when ignorant ass people breed

now this kid has to grow up knowing he killed his mom so now he gets to live the rest of his adult life with severe mental issues

great job society, why dont we go tell dumb people to breed some more

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:49 AM
just wanted to say one last thing, even if you ban guns, that wont solve the problem

the guns will still be there

they will still be with the ignorant dumb people, because if guns become illegal, it will only be the criminals who have the guns, the criminals still breed, so the children of these dumb people will still have access to the guns, and they'll keep shooting the dumb parents because the dumb parents dont teach them better

so ban the guns if you want, wont solve nothing

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:49 AM
you're allowed to have guns in PNG?

propaganda piece if you ask me.

how come this story didn't happen in the 50's when it wasn't popular to publish?

but i go back on my statement because i want less people to have less guns.

hell i just want there to be LESS PEOPLE.


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by ziggy1706
Responsability... When i was about 9 years old, i was in our basement near a tool bench. Digging behind some old coffee cans of nails, low and behold...i found my grandfathers .38 revolver. I wasnt totaly aware at what i had found, jsut that it was like in the cartoons ide watch, WOW a gun!!! I had pointed the barrell at my face, and loked down it. After a few seconds, and realizing my finger was touching the side of the trigger, a strong sense of fear and panic came ove me, and realized, what could have happened. I told my mom what i found, and hse was semi hysterical. She got rid of the gun. Makes me think to this day, what could have happened.
I myself, am a gun enthusiast and supoprter does come with shuold have been locked up somewhere in any case.

im sorry if you take offense to this, but this is a perfect example of what i was talking about

i mean who the hell really thinks its a reasonable idea to leave a .38 laying around a bunch of rusty nails in coffee cans by a tool bench with a kid in the house

i mean other then dumb, what else could you call that?

i mean if you did shoot yourself or someone else, theres really no one else to blame except your grandfather or whoever left the gun there

but guarantee if it did happen there would be those who instantly shout and scream to ban guns

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Lysergic

I agree completely, and while I'm not aiming this at the OP, I have to ask, is the story what's important, or the need for some to demonize gun owners? It seems that every time we have one of these incidents, the latter is more important to some than the life that was lost.

In this case, rule number one is that you don't allow children to have access to firearms. Rule number 2 is that if you're going to have a firearm in the house, you teach them that it is not a toy and is something they should not play with...just in case. If you've done your job as a responsible parent and firearm owner, this should never happen.

I remember last summer, there was an incident where a man killed about 10 people in a knife attack in Japan. I posted the story here and got ONE response.

Apparently, people simply don't give a damn unless they can preach from their own little political soap box. Those types will be along in this thread shortly, I'm sure.

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