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The parallel life forms in the universe of dark matter – our own replica communicates with us

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:20 AM

The parallel life forms in the universe of dark matter – our own replica communicates with us

Close to 95% of the universe is made of dark matter. Dark energy is the predominant antigravity energy that controls the universe and its future. In the middle of that, lies a parralel conceptual universe where we coexists with our immortal spirits and souls.

We livein the univerese of 3D matter. Our actual existence is in the parallel universe made of dark amtter and dark energy.

We communicate with the our real existence all the time. That is where we receive our command and control. We recycle between the our universe and the parallel universe. Our real life form is in the universe of the dark matters.

The life forms that we are pointing to is not that of made with plasma or ions. It is totally different. The energy is antigravitational. The particle formats are anti-matter.

Quantum physics allow this anomally, if you will call it. It is the state of perfect crystal, where the entropy is really zero (perhaps negative relative to our notion of absolute entropy). The perfect crystal phenomenon provides the clue to a life form that exists with just one form of enegy – the antigravity
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:20 AM
India Daily Technology Team
Feb. 15, 2009

what an interesting read,. It does seem possible aswell although hard to get your head around.
What do others think about the above and the possibility of the otherdimension that we live within but unaware of?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:56 AM
Am I going to the wrong place or what? There doesn’t seem much to read?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:35 AM
I would like to meet my anti self, and touch it
But anyway, the existence of a symmetric system in our universe is interesting indeed, two weights that keep the balance in perfect order. Cant wait for more discoveries in this field, and it does also prove the existence of an upper soul we share with our selves in the parallel universes!
Fantastic and unthinkable indeed.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:04 AM
Would certainly answer why we sometimes do things that we just don't realise we are doing or are so out of character...

Could even bring about the downfall of prison systems if some or certain criminal activity is actually caused by a dimmensional twin.....

Does make you ask a lot of questions and is surely going to stir up a lot of debate.

I'm all for it.. It would answer so much, and may even shed more light onto the idea of guardian angels, spirit worlds, gods and guides etc...

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