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Run on Ammunition has stores running out!

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:05 AM
I'm sure we've all heard about the proposed change in gun laws that would severely cripple our right to bear arms. Aparently this fact has a basis, or at least ALOT of people think so.

I stumbled across an interesting news article that seems to agree with just that.

It reminds me of when Hurricane Andrew was about to hit, stores were litterally 'stripped' of non-perishables, water, ice, charcoal etc... things got soo bad the National Guard was called in. I remember my thoughts about it when I went to the store and there was a National Guardsman out front of the store geared up, gunned up and only letting (7) people in at a time.

I wonder with the news story I just read, how long is it going to be before we see that sort of thing nation-wide?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:18 AM
Yeah. Well, some of us were prepared long before hurricane season, and while others were running around like chickens with their heads cut off, some of us had been preparing for years.

Just like now. All this last-minute panic buying of firearms and ammunition is a result of being previously unprepared.

I had guys begging for me to sell them 5-gallons of gas in the cans for $35. $40. Didn't happen. I wasn't parting with it.

A lack of preparation on the part of another does not constitute a conflict of conscious on my part.

Plenty of ammo is still being manufactured, but the demand is outstripping production. Plus, many foreign producers have cut off shipping to the US. Maybe they anticipate things going tits up as well.

When tragedies occur, there's two kinds of people: those who have, and those who don't have.

Of those who don't have, there's two kinds: prey and predators who take.

Of those who do have, there's two kinds: those who CAN protect and maintain what they have, and those who can't protect and maintain what they have.

In the end, it's always predator or prey.

Sure is easier to stay out of the prey category when well prepared.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:20 AM
Only reason Ive been buying lots of ammo is because I think the economoy will collapse and people might loot my garden.

These carrots be MINE!

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:26 AM
Went to get another gun at our Sportsman Warehouse here and was suprised to see they had hardly any guns left! I already knew they were low on ammo as I have been buying some lately and now they have little to no ammo. But I went to the gun counter and it was really depleted. Guy said ya demand is high right now but gun makers are not able to make enough guns due to demand and because due to credit crunch they are having a hard tiem getting credit.

It got me to thinking, this could be another way the goverment tries to keep us unarmed......put the gun makers out of business.

I purchased my first gun in november, a glock .40 and then just yesterday I bought a walter p22 for my wife to use. I'm thinking I should get a couple more hand guns and a hunting rifle at least. Any idea on how much ammo should be enough to keep stocked?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:42 AM
The gun and ammo manufacturers will not go out of business due to excessive demand. What we're seeing is an unexpected surge in demand resulting in long lead times. You have to understand that the manufacturers aren't going to invest in equipment to increase capacity based on the current demand (that may go away with the passage of gun-control laws). Even if the manufacturers wanted to add equipment to increase capacity, the addition output would still be months away. Most equipment used in large scale small arms and ammunition manufacturing isn't just plug and play. The equipment also isn't just sitting on a shelf - it has to be constructed by the ammo/gun manufacturer or made by a supplier. In addition, they would have to hire new personnel and train them - which results in potential quality issues in the short term and lengthens the time to increased capacity.

Bottom line, the weapons and ammo manufacturers are doing what they can to try to keep up with demand. This will not result in the disappearance of these manufacturers, however, Draconian anti-gun / anti-ammo laws will.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:05 AM
The gun and ammo manufacturers will not go out of business due to excessive demand. What we're seeing is an unexpected surge in demand resulting in long lead times. You have to understand that the manufacturers aren't going to invest in equipment to increase capacity based on the current demand (that may go away with the passage of gun-control laws). Even if the manufacturers wanted to add equipment to increase capacity, the addition output would still be months away. Most equipment used in large scale small arms and ammunition manufacturing isn't just plug and play. The equipment also isn't just sitting on a shelf - it has to be constructed by the ammo/gun manufacturer or made by a supplier. In addition, they would have to hire new personnel and train them - which results in potential quality issues in the short term and lengthens the time to increased capacity.

Bottom line, the weapons and ammo manufacturers are doing what they can to try to keep up with demand. This will not result in the disappearance of these manufacturers, however, Draconian anti-gun / anti-ammo laws will.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:26 AM
Well I've seen the bill HR45, who's turning US gun laws into canadian gun laws. Basically, you'll be like us in terms of gun laws, except you'll have the right, for now, to own automatic weapons.

And if the folks who want ammunition marked have their way, it will be even worse.

Learn to reload, don't register your guns.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 01:51 AM
If an ammunition coding law goes into effect, then that will put many ammo manufacturers out of business. For those that survive, it will be a real headache and the cost of business and thus, the cost to consumers will increase greatly.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
Well I've seen the bill HR45, who's turning US gun laws into canadian gun laws. Basically, you'll be like us in terms of gun laws, except you'll have the right, for now, to own automatic weapons.

And if the folks who want ammunition marked have their way, it will be even worse.

Learn to reload, don't register your guns.

If forming a militia, these gun laws would then violate the 2nd amendment rights of a constituant... as far as I can tell.

Hence why states are passing laws in a hurry..

The time is overdue for the words of the founding fathers to be acted upon, causing a relatively small number of people - whom were involved in destruction the United States, to be given a 'tune up'.

Tick tock...

In my avatar is the face of an enemy of the powers that be who are causing so much distress. A common person yet an enemy. If I were in the USA I would be part of a well regulated militia and that's that!

[edit on 16/2/09 by GhostR1der]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:32 AM
I'm not even old enough to purchase a firearm. I really want one. And I realize that it's hard to find the guns and ammo, and they're expensive.
So what I've been doing is making my own weapons. Who said you need a gun to protect yourself?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:31 AM
Great, look what you are doing to the minds of children.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by spacial
Great, look what you are doing to the minds of children.

Um. How is this thread affecting the minds of children?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by dooper

Exactly. Some of us have been preparing for so long that it doesn't matter if we see it. Because we won't be in it.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 03:27 PM
spacial has been in and out of threads leaving idiotic comments wherever he goes. Pay no mind.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Ok dude. This is called spamming.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by GhostR1der

If I were in the USA I would be part of a well regulated militia and that's that!

If you look closely at when the constitution was written, you would know that a well regulated militia means every male above 16 years old. It applies to everyone, not only modern ``militias``.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:58 PM
My dad and I wanted to go to the shooting range today and saw that Walmart lacked a lot of ammunition, especially for .9mm and .357 guns. We were told there was another ammo store around town and luckily, they had some in stock.

It could be just Walmart, though. I didn't look anywhere else for ammo. But, I was surprised to say the least.

Just in case, we're keeping several boxes of ammo stockpiled for now. You never know what will happen.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by LiQuiD_FuSioN]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by LiQuiD_FuSioN
My dad and I wanted to go to the shooting range today and saw that Walmart lacked a lot of ammunition, especially for .9mm and .357 guns. We were told there was another ammo store around town and luckily, they had some in stock.

It could be just Walmart, though. I didn't look anywhere else for ammo. But, I was surprised to say the least.

Just in case, we're keeping several boxes of ammo stockpiled for now. You never know what will happen.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by LiQuiD_FuSioN]

Again, the overwhelming demand for pistol ammo just came about (mid-January). Between December and mid-January demand was low and several manufacturers let personnel go on permanent layoff. The ammo manufacturers are doing what they can to fill orders. However, when federal agencies, police departments, Wal-Mart, and the mom and pop stores all put in orders at once, who can guess who is the priority.

It's a good idea to buy what you can when you can. Not because of something going wrong with the supply, but because of what the gov't may do.

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