posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 10:41 PM
I've always heard about numbers playing roles in conspiracies, such as 322 of Skull and Bones, 2012 the year, 13 and 666 in the occult, etc. But I
was wondering about other numbers, does anyone have other numbers that are known of? If so, why are these numbers important, where do such numbers
come from?
Example being Columbine, I looked on Wiki about a conspiracy people have talked about, one being with MK-ULTRA. The article even said the date of the
shootings were consistent with other events; Martin Luther King's assassination, Moon landing, Hitler's birth and death, Waco, Oklahoma City bombing
among others. We know TPTB are fanatics with numbers in ritual things, but anything special about 420, 419 or April itself?
Keep in mind too, Columbine sparked a rush for stronger gun control, social outcasts, censorship of media outlets and internet, among talks of using
anti-depressant drugs on teens to make them 'more acceptable' while not even looking at the actual thoughts of the individuals, everything was
automatically society's fault without even thinking about inbalances or their school lives.