posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 11:34 AM
So I just got done watching a episode of Cops. Apparentely these cops followed a woman and her son home. Once they parked the car, the cops walked up
to the car and asked the woman what she had been doing that day. She said she was going grocery shopping. They checked her bags and then told her they
caught her on camera in some grocery store, stealing a cake. (The cake turned out to be 10 dollars). They took the woman to jail, and turned her 16
year old son over to his grandmothers for custody.
Now im not condoning stealing, but FOLLOWING A WOMAN HOME AND TAKING HER TO JAIL OVER A CAKE?! I couldnt believe what I was seeing.
The woman had no priors, seemed like a decent lady, couldnt they have just gave her a warning or a ticket or make her pay for it, like they do most