posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 07:41 PM
First congratulations on changing your eating habits toward a healthier lifestyle. I know it's tough to change and lot's of people fail because they
are impatient, but it sounds like you stuck with it and are now reaping the benefits. Don't feel bad for indulging once in a while, as long as you
don't fall back to how you used to eat and feel then it's ok. Keep it up! Also, I would also suggest exercising. It's a good stress reliever, has
positive effects on the body and goes good hand in had with a good diet. You don't have to, but just a suggestion from one who likes to work out.
Anyway, to answer you questions:
#1: Candies, Ice cream, fried foods, fast food, take-out foods, chips, anything processed. Basically, it seems to me that you are on the right
track of knowing what foods make you feel bad and make you feel good.
#2: Foods that boost energy are carbohydrate based. There are two different types of carbs. One is simple carbohydrates (this is considered the
bad carb) and many of them contain refined sugars the offer few essential vitamins and minerals. Examples are fruits, fruit juice, milk, honey,
molasses, and sugar. So candy is considered a simple carb. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with fruit, honey and honey in your diet, but doesn't
work well as a longer term energy booster. The other type is Complex Carbohydrates, they take longer to digest and are usually packed with fiber,
vitamins, and minerals. Examples are vegetables, breads, cereals, legumes and pasta. Oatmeal is an example of complex carbohydrates, and is why not
only you don't feel hungry as quickly, but also gives energy. Avoid those energy drinks, they are a gimmick, you will crash not long after you've
had it.
#3: I consider myself to be semi vegetarian. I do indulge in fast foods and "unhealthy" stuff once in a while, but I do mainly keep it healthy.
I keep it healthy and love to work out. Having physical fitness goals on a bad diet defeats the purpose, plus doesn't feel right and your progress
suffers. I also noticed that when eating unhealthy, lot of symptoms come with it, drepression, lack of confidence, drop in sexual desire, stress, we
all know the feeling. Eating healthy, the opposite happens, you feel great and feel as though you can accomplish anything, and you tend to get more
things done with your life too.
#4: I wouldn't say nutrition is over-hyped, but with so many self appointed gurus writing books, infomercials, etc things can become hard to
understand for many people. I always say, stick with the time proven basics. It is ok, to advertise good nutrition, but to a point where they want to
make people eat healthy, is in my opinion, the wrong way of going about it. Besides, I never listen to that much advertising. I have read many books
on the subject and it all comes down to the most basics. Never listen to the fad diets such as low carb, atkins, south beach and whatever else, those
are tricks to buy books and products.
#5: I often have thought of this. As a nation, we are becoming more and more unhealthy and obesity seems to be rising. But I'm more focused on
peoples attitudes. There is a surge in depression cases (whether the patient is overweight or skinny doesn't matter) and other mental health
problems. I always did wonder if there's a connection to our food, to make use weak and easy to "rule" over. I am a little suspicious on the
government banning certain foods and even jumping on the get healthy band wagon. Could be nothing, maybe just democracy actually at work by lots of
people demanding this happen, but still makes one think.