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Violent Revolution, No! Peaceful Yes

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by SpencerJ
I think we are very much in agreement then, Charles. And I have added you as one of my friends in my profile. I see eye to eye with few people here. They seem to think that they can rebuild from the ashes a perfectly new government as good as the day the Articles/Constitution was ratified, but they are wrong.

What we will inevitably end up with is a more communist government, as years of scapegoating capitalism as the problem will not make the average Joe Blough wish to return to the system they perceived screwed them over. This is what so many tinfoil hatters, radical libertarians, gun-toting conservatives, etc. fail to understand.

Hello Spencer,

First let me apologize for taking so long to respond to your post. I have been busy running around inside my life. Today I have found some time, better late then never.

Yes, it appears we agree what the potential outcome can/will be. If a communist/socialist style government is coming, (they are trying like hell right now), or could be formed at the end of a violent revolution, the truth be told... I will be dead! I cannot, nor will I ever live under a socialist style government. I do not believe many Americans will live under a socialist style government either, and that is why I am begging members of ATS and all Americans to create local groups so we can begin to get our power back. If we fail to stop this socialist takeover of our country, the reality is… we will see fighting and dieing out in the streets.

BTW... Being a gun-toting conservative is not a bad thing at all. As a matter a fact, if we cannot stop this socialist/progressive take over of this country, then I am completely afraid! Because the only option left is an armed rebellion... No ifs and or buts, and armed rebellion and the death of perhaps millions will be the end result. That thought scares the living daylights out of me. People on this site talk about violence and armed rebellion, as if… “lets get it on”, but I guarantee these people have ZERO idea what that truly means. It means suffering, starvation, murder, RAPE, and violence to a level that has not been seen in this country since the last civil war. During that last armed conflicted, everything that is mentioned above did in fact happen every single day, and it will happen again to your sisters, mothers, fathers, brothers, aunts, uncles, friends, wife, children… It will happen again! However, this time I believe it will be similar to what happened in France, with long lines of those condemned to die.

We must not, cannot allow this to happen!!! We have to do everything we can to make damn sure we prevent that kind of violence, that kind of hate, that kind of brother on brother suffering and murder. Sadly, I believe that is exactly what most of the people here on ATS want. I believe that because of the threads/posts I have read within this site. These people are out of the their minds, truly! However, nucking futs or not... It appears most if not almost all ATSers want blood, murder and mayhem in the streets... Because working to get their freedoms back is just to damn hard, while firing a gun they believe is so much better or easier. Firing a gun equals nothing, living with the results stays with you a life time.

I know nothing I say will change their minds… With all the post I have seen even after I posted this on ATS, I am starting to believe only the murdering of their family and friends will wake them up to the destruction, sadness, and regret their lack of actions will in fact bring to this country for a long, long time to come.

With complete sadness.

--Charles Marcello

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 03:01 AM
I wanted to post an update...

I will be having my first meeting, next Saturday March 7, with twenty people that I know of, each have already said they will be bringing one or two people. This is just the beginning... It took no convincing, all I said is... "Hey (add name here), I'm calling some family and friends this week asking them if they want to talk about what is going on, and how we should prepare, either separately or together. Would you be interested in coming to this meeting." No sooner did I get those words out, each person, and I mean each person said, "when and where." This is just the start. I promise, if you do the same you will see the same, or damn close to the same results.

I've just started creating my speech today. I will post it here next Friday night or Saturday morning... And then I will report back here how it all went.

People are waking up, please help them plan to take back our government and plan for the troubles that are coming. We must begin, we must start… I walk the walk because I care about this country and what can happen sooner then any of us might think. When I post the results I hope more of you will find the courage to stand up and be counted.

Until then…

--Charles Marcello

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