this is so dumb,,,so you drove out to mcguire afb to shoot video of refueling planes?????
you do realize the tail in the back is for refueling
they go over my house all day long at probably 200 to 600 ft and i've never seen these yellow belly nozzles you talk of,,, nor have i seen anything
that's not supposed to be there
i can read the numbers and clearly see the flags on the tails,,,
if i was gonna believe in chemtrails at least people with evidence of grid patterns would be a bit more believable
do you know what contrails are,,,,,
so tell us,, why are these chemtrails not contrails?????
if you want a real conspiracy involving mcguire afb,,,,,,the ground, on the base and surrounding area has been deemed a toxic waste site,, because of
spilled and leaking fuel
and the gov't has been notified about this and another contaminated base i believe in california,,,,,however they refuse to open the
letter,,,report,etc stating that
so,, if they don't open the letter, report apparently our ground here is not contaminated and no action needs to be taken
now that's a conspiracy
the most interesting thing i'ver seen living 1 mile from the base is a big,,,cheap looking blimp flying around,,,seemingly outside base grounds,,,it
had no logo and looked like a kmart brand blimp
maybe it was doing gov't surveying or something for future additions,,,,the weird part is it was close to the base area and would obviously have
needed clearance to be in that proximity
all you did was tape something that happens here 24/7,,,planes take off,planes land,,,,touch and go's
once in a while f-16's come from atlantic city to do touch and go's which is cool
if you think that was chemtrails then you should link up with the guy in this thread
fema camp on mcguire ft dix
maybe you can break the fema conspiracy wide open
and another
oh geez he's a ron paul fan as well,,,, don't tarnish the movement with chemtrail ramblings,,,, at least yell at something like the fed,, or
erroding freedoms