posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 05:17 PM
Yes...I HATE being trusted by people... some strive to be trusted, I can't stand it. But let me clarify, I don't mean when somebody trusts you to
do your work, or not kill them
I mean when out of all their friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend whatever....someone picks YOU to tell the biggest secret of their entire lives.
I hate being told by someone that they want to kill themselves....and nothing you seem to do helps. But before they tell you, they get you to promise
not to tell anyone; and of course you agree because it's clearly important and you should encourage them to tell people. And then you get it
dumped on you, and then they say they trust you. And you can't tell anyone....
Just today, somebody told me about how they found out their mum had cancer at one point, and that it could come back anytime...and I listened to
him...and I can't tell anyone now. (You lot don't count
you couldn't possibly link it back to the actual person.)
And I was also told by someone that they want to run away form home tomorrow... and that they have nowhere to go, but they don't care. And I don't
know if she will actually do it... or what. Now, I broke the trust here...I tried to contact her friends...but I couldn't get through to any of
Those are but three examples.... but I HATE being trusted like that...I get the depression dumped on me, and left in SO many situations I donh't know
what I should do...