posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:41 PM
HHO is as such
Take at least 2 stainless steel plates, tubes or any shape and keep them close but not touching, max space between should be no more than a 1/4
Use Spacers to keep them separate.!!!
if plates are used, positive and negative sides dont matter unless you daisy which ase its alternating and spaced with a neutral plate.
I+ I(N) I-
or take cylinders in decending size, make a center pole out of a bolt or something stainless. Postive on the outside, negative on the inside. again
use water durable plastic spacers or washers that are NOT metal or conductive.
So far in the public realm 1 Kv of HHO production has powered a small generator for about 20 minutes..maybe theres more but ive been busy.
Remember safety if you endeavor into this fun and useful science. Flashback arestors, safety bubblers and release valves. Most of all durable
materials. Oh the secret alos is 'distilled water with baking soda or potassium"
Hail liberty through knowledge. Now lets learn how to make an electrogravitic hyper static drive spacecraft and go see jupiter or something, im bored