posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:58 AM
Thank you everyone, I will try these tips and if I have to I will be back.
The most important thing for me is to get this video documentation on to the forum of just how in the average ATS home, the heart of the home is most
often not the kitchen, how it is in fact the computer area instead.
Quite frankly I am concerned with all of the new trends towards placing videos up on the new media center of our cute little pets and their antics, as
well as perfect homey little areas in our houses which we want people to know about us. I have a deep seated hunch that these types of videos are
simply a red herring, a conspiracy to keep people from our deepest truths about our real lives.
So for me, I would like to disclose to the members and potential members the truth behind what in all reality happens to the old school heart of the
home, the kitchen, more specifically the refrigerator while we sit making scholarly posts on the boards.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and as I sat waiting for the downloads to complete as mentioned in the OP I went to clean up
the fridge and there I got my first epiphany of what happens when we become so engrossed with our lives here on the forum, and how our refrigerators
are the truest measure of our private lives and a declaration of our time spent at ats.
Yes an expose is long over due, and so with your help, it is time to know the truth, the rare and honest in depth look at a true atser and how their
fridge is affected by hundreds if not thousands of logged on time.