Hmmm, could be a balloon, it's movement dosen't seem consistent with one though.
What interests me more is that this was reported in a local paper, the Telegraph and the Mail. Is it just me or does the UK press seem to be showing
a much greater interest in all things UFO at the moment? Do they have an agenda or are they just realising that the UFO scene sells?
I think the UK press is just milking all the recent MOD disclosure on UFOs. Id say, and quite naturally, people showed a bit of interest when the
(eventually) harmless files were secreted out piecemeal so they are just keeping the subject in to maintain those particular readers...
EDIT - just to clarify that when i say harmless there I just mean that nothing really earth shattering came out of what they disclosed, probably just
more questions and a bit more fuel for sites like this one...
At this point, despite what the object might be, I am curious at those odd cloud shaped disperses that happen throughout the video. It first begins
at 9 seconds. The next one occurs around 35-36 seconds in the bottom right hand corner.
I thought they were clouds at first, but something just seems unusual about them.