posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:26 AM
After reading all the great threads on ATS about Earthquakes, Volcano and now Dolphins, I started having a google.
I just started to look into this today. Here's what I have so far.
It was reported on Monday, 9 June 2008
Twenty-three dolphins have died after becoming stranded on the Cornish coast.
Then there was an Earthquake on June 14th 7.2 magnitude Japan.
Japan Quake
Now I am not saying they are linked and I would have thought not as both events were on other sides of the world. but that is the biggest earthquake I
have found for June 08.
But then I found this which also happened around the 9th June
Dozens of dolphins die, stranded on Madagascar beach
As I said I have only just started looking into this today and dolphins seem to do this a fair bit, I dont think its a coincidence, I just wonder if
we can link them to find out when or maybe even where the next big earthquake will be.
We all know by now about the 200 dolphins(whales) beaching them selfs in the Philippines the other day and now we have all the quakes in Indonesia.
I thought this could be a good thread for reseach if anybodys intrested.
Any Thoughts?
[edit on 12/2/09 by freemindmine]