posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:43 AM
For two years in a row, my young daughter and I have hatched butterfilies out of caterpillars we found outside. I have pictures I took during the
process, and I even got to hold one of the butterflies right after it hatched while it was drying its wings. I held it and admired it until it was
ready to fly away. It was really neat.
We made a little habitat out of a big jar, and put sticks for them to climb in and a layer of pebbles in the bottom (they poop a lot when they are
getting ready to spin their cocoons. We put some netting over the open top of the jar so we could drip a little water in and for air.
The caterpillars are so funny when they are eating, it reminded me of the hookah smoking caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland.
Usually you will find them on what they like to eat, but since you found it inside, you could look it up online if you find it again
Good luck finding it, and if you get a chance, try hatching your own butterflies from caterpillars. It's really fun, and the kids (and even the
adults) really enjoyed it.