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What's with all the Obama love?

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posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Cio88

Wow that was simply the most disgusting video I have ever seen. And I saw that two girls one cup video. What I am trying to get across with this thread is that objectivity has been lost and rational mis-trust that we are supposed to have as a conspiracy site has vanished I just want that back. People nothing has changed, it's just the head of the bull looks different, thats it... Well, he does know words, so I will give him that I was so tired of "tear" passing for terror and "nuculur" passing for nuclear. Yes the right loved Bush and it was disgusting and there was no objectivity, but history is repeating itself, it will be just as bad but from the other side, sort of a one-two-punch to the citizens.... "Obama is the president so deal with it"...
burn in hell!!! I have dealt with it and now I am asking a question if all of you aren't willing to ask questions and be suspiciouse why are you here? If you dont trust the government you shouldn't be here and if you don't trust the government then you can't trust the President, just sort of goes hand in hand. I was scared when everyone loved Bush and then once it became cool to hate him I felt safe and comfortable again and now that everyone loves the new guy I am scared again. The most dangerouse things that Bush passed happend when he was loved and it will be the same this time because everyone thinks the man can do no wrong... Bye objectivity, bye, see you later, in a few years when reality comes back, if he ever does, bye

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by thereallgone

You really need to calm down. Some people have faith in their president. Why do you want everyone on this site to live in fear and panic? It sounds like you support fear mongering. Let people live the way they want. God forbid an independent forum with different opinions have decided not to see everything your way. You're coming off as a spoiled kid. Stop trying to promote fear with those that are fine living their lives and telling others to burn in hell, dude. It's not cool.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Your concerns are only convenient since we are not to trust any government duh!

Since the time of the glaring of this first African-American president, there’ve been a lot of threads about black this, black that, White this white that. You’ll see one popping every minute. What would be funny as hell is that all those intricate NWO conspiracies only end up being about a black against white thing and some shades of grey in between (after we’ve saturated all the religious political uproars of course). Then it boils down to just primitive humans going on about their usual primitive stuff and then blaming their “rulers” for knowing them too well.

The only thing that would make me “fall” for Obama is that if he would have the guts to pose as the long waited Anti-Christ, finally bringing that damn new world order so talked about!
And I’m not kidding! See we’re all becoming kind of masochist. Hang on, you’re not alone.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:34 AM
The burn in hell comment was meant to be a joke thats why I used that stupid smiley face thing, but I apologize if it hurt anyones feelings. Though I wouldn't go around saying I was a fear monger sounds way to serious, more like a caution monger, though that doesn't sound nearly as cool, so I guess if you want to call me a fear monger thats alright, think I might use that as my signature, somthing like "I'm a jerk and a complete fear monger", alright sounds good. Thanks

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:42 AM
I for one, do not like Obama. Not because of his race, but because he is CFR Globalist SCUM and he is selling out the US to the Globalists... he is lying about change, and in turn, pushing through more gun control, RFID medical implants may become mandatory, pushing forward with the North American Union... attended the Bildenburg group meeting IN SECRET during his campaign...

Another Traitor in the white house... another thief stealing taxpayers dollars to push forward globalist agendas and blindly robbing and hurting the average tax payer to no end.

This has to stop... wake the F up people who think this guy is anything short of another puppet for the NWO.

He even mentions the NWO on David Letterman. He's not a good guy, just another leech bleeding out Amercia in its current death throws.

wake up... wake the F up... fema camps are happily awaiting their new residence.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by thereallgone
What I am trying to get across with this thread is that objectivity has been lost and rational mis-trust that we are supposed to have as a conspiracy site has vanished I just want that back.

There are plenty of suspicious, conspiratorial Obama threads. If you're not seeing them, you're not looking.

There are literally hundreds out there. Not enough?

Don't let the occasional positive threads or posts ruin your downer experience.

People nothing has changed, it's just the head of the bull looks different, thats it...

That's your opinion. And plenty of people share your opinion. Must EVERYONE share your opinion for you to be "happy" or properly bummed?

Yes the right loved Bush and it was disgusting and there was no objectivity,

And did you complain about it then? Because Bush love threads still exist. Did you start a thread complaining about them?

I have dealt with it and now I am asking a question if all of you aren't willing to ask questions and be suspiciouse why are you here?

One needn't be suspicious of EVERYTHING to enjoy a conspiracy website. Speaking for myself, I DO want to keep a close eye on Obama and I figure the best way to do that is to hang out here. I can check out all the accusations and research them and decide for myself if they have merit or are just some "out there" theory by a conspiracy junkie trying to put 2 and 2 together to get 5.

If you dont trust the government you shouldn't be here and if you don't trust the government then you can't trust the President, just sort of goes hand in hand.

Who are you to say who should and shouldn't be here? And to decide the criteria for how we all should or shouldn't feel about the government? You seem to be painting all government officials with one brush. Some don't do that.

I was scared when everyone loved Bush and then once it became cool to hate him I felt safe and comfortable again and now that everyone loves the new guy I am scared again.

Rest assured, plenty of people hate Obama. I don't know how you've missed the threads. They're everywhere.

But if you only feel comfortable when hate abounds, I think "Obama love" might be an undeserving target of your frustrations. You might want to ask yourself why you're so uncomfortable with love and comfortable with hate. I'm not sure we are your problem.

Bye objectivity, bye, see you later, in a few years when reality comes back, if he ever does, bye

Approval does not equate to a loss of objectivity any more than disapproval equates to being objective. Just because you disapprove of Obama doesn't mean you're being objective. Judging a president (or anyone) before he's even done anything to judge is the ANTITHESIS of objectivity, as is painting all government officials with the same brush.

In fact, the number of partisans who hate Obama before he's had any results should really think about that. How objective is an autonomic response of disapproval???

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by its bologna
Also, I find it offensive that someone would call me a "kool aid drinker" because I support my president.

The only Obama supporters I consider kool-aide drinkers would be the ones the follow him blindly. Not the ones that actually researched and looked into his positions...if your beliefs are the same, it's your personal well-thought opinion. However, the people who during the election voted for obama because "He's a black guy running for president", "He's not old like McCain", "He's not a republican like bush", etc...THOSE people are the kool-aide drinkers, and I bet if they looked into Obama's views and positions, they might just find alot of things they don't like.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by NativeAmerican

The drink kool-aid is known to many as the "drink of the ghetto"

LOL I live in the hood, first i ever heard of this,

Did you know white people live in the hood?

Hood drink is colt 45 in a bag, dude.

[edit on 102828p://bThursday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:09 PM
There hasn't been any changes that is why I believe Obama is a puppet. He has just picked up where Bush left off. He has just shifted slightly but no change that he promised. The blame goes to Bush and he gets to further the agenda. Just apart of the overall plan of the PTB.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 05:20 PM
You might be right, get it "right" about the Bush thing I didn't write anything about Bush, well not about Bush as the focus, so I'll give you points there. Here goes. The first thing that Bush did in office was to take a vacation for quite sometime, did Obama do this no, Obama actually tried to look like he was doing his job, by actually being at the white house and having meetings and giving interviews (though I think he should have given an interview to the American people first) and generaly being President ish. Under Bush many of our rights to privacy were taken away, gone forever never to be seen again (more then likely). the word traitor comes to mind easily when I think of Bush as his job was simply to help better the lives of his people, Americans not the rich, but not to take away privacy and destroy our rights. I think Benjamin Franklin once said "Those that are willing to give up freedom for safety deserve neither". Many people went along with the Bush policy because they were easily made fearful. Bush was a bad president very bad. No one should really be sitting here praising Bush for anything really. People say "well we weren't attacked after 911 because of him", maybe nobody planned to attack us. Theres a thought. Now I'm a Christian (one that has a very black and white view on things which sort of makes me come off like a jerk sometimes, so sorry) and I was horrified by the love these people had for Bush, just because he said the right stuff, that's all it took, just saying the right thing. It was shameful and I would personaly like to apologize for that sort of brainlessness (though I hope we don't get into a Christianity disscusion here). Bush was in my opinion nothing short of intentionaly evil and to quote Kanye West "Bush hated black people". His handling of Katrina was a disaster and nothing short of criminal negligents, that man to very little if any good for this country. We are no safer just more inconvenienced. The only good thing about the Bush admin is that it is over, so just in case anyone thought that I was pro bush by the title I hope this clears the air a bit and for those wanting a negative Bush view there you go.
Now an opinion is an opinion and is not a fact but it is a fact that I do have my opinion so if in stating my opinion it came off as a fact well, it is, as I do in fact, see it that way. For whatever reason I seem to see a whole lot more Obama is amazing threads then Obama is something less than amazing threads, I don't troll the site reading every thread that I see so there we go. There maybe hundreds and thousands of them but that sort of happens with everything, from the underground lizard peolpe to the space aliens. I love how threads always end with someone getting mad that someone was rude or not so nice in a post, instead of staying on topic, I myself have done it so sorry.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by thereallgone

I normally don't post anything and just lurk on here...But That comment about Katrina, like every comment I see about it just chaps my hide. I'm in the Air Force and work in Airlift. As soon as the hurricane hit, we got the orders to gen up our aircraft to be ready to take in supplies. We were all waiting for the orders to move. But they didn't come. We would contact AMC and be told that the gov of Louisiana had not requested aid so we couldn't go yet. We continued to wait. and wait. For those who aren't sure on how it works, the state gov has to request federal assistance during a state of emergency.

I was watching the news, between 14 hour shifts loading cargo and equipment, hearing how the federal government wasn't acting, while the stupid governor of Louisiana wouldn't go ahead and request the aid. Mississippi requested aid right off the bat and had help on the way (and there are a lot of black folks in that part of Mississippi too, so I guess President Bush only hated New Orleans black folks)

Oh yeah...and then there was the problem of getting supplies into a flooded city. We couldn't land anywhere nearby, and the roads were swamped leading in. It took engineers quite a while to clear it up. I think that the blame for that whole fiasco went to the wrong place and it should have landed squarely in the lap of the New Orleans establishment who had screwed up everything leading up to the event.

I know this will probably just be flamed and discredited, but I get sick of people putting the blame in the wrong place. Look at the corruption and screwed up New Orleans and Louisiana government before you go pointing fingers at the pres on that one. They had been spending the money allocated for flood control on other crap for decades, despite the Army Corps of Engineers warnings that a hurricane would flood the city. Not to mention the fact that the Mayor of New Orleans refused to issue evacuation orders until it was too late....But it's all Bush's fault. That's just stupid.

this has little to do with the Obama thread...but it's the part that jumped out at me and made me want to comment.

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