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The End Of The World Is Just The Beginning.

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posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 05:38 PM
The End Of The World Is Just The Beginning.

What can i say? If your into HAARP, 2012, QUANTUM PHYSICS,
WORMHOLES, or anything else........ Please please please watch this movie.
..... Its available on youtube all 11 links but here is the rundown....:

The Quiet Earth centres around a scientist called Zac who wakes one morning to discover he is alone in the world. The global top-secret energy project (Operation Flashlight) which he has been working on for year has changed the world. Humanity seems to have been wiped out.

Zac begins a trantic search for other survivors. At the same he has the chance to live out his fantasies. In a world where excess and and wealth have no meaning, he switches from dwelling to dwelling and vehicle to vehicle. He soon realises the emptiness and loneliness of his nightmare situation. "I have been condemned to live" he says.


IM SORRY, It seems youtube is faster than me... Pt1 has been removed but all other 10 parts are available...... Just search for part 1 of 11...

[edit on 11-2-2009 by Master Shen long]

[edit on 11-2-2009 by Master Shen long]

[edit on 11-2-2009 by Master Shen long]

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 06:24 PM
I remember this film from years ago.. Could never remember it's name.. Cheers..

Bittorrent link to full film

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 06:48 PM
The alarm clock read 6:11 in the very first scene.

For the past 6 months that number's haunted me - it freakin' turns up everywhere. My 6:11 rabbit hole goes very deep, so I won't really go into it much, but to see it in the first scene of a move like this was really unsettling.

Anyway, I first saw it in an episode of the Twilight Zone (which consequently was about the end of the world - here's a clip from the episode), and it stood out to me, so I Googled it. The first thing that came up in the search was this:

Change Detection: Paying Attention To Detail

I then found a Bible verse in the search, Ephesians 6:11-13

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

The words "this dark world' from the Bible passage then inspired the title of my short story These Dark Worlds, and I used the verse as a quote to begin and end the story.

I have since seen 6:11 innumerable times, and I've honestly paused that movie on that scene with the alarm clock - I haven't even continued watching it yet. I don't know if I want to, given my synchronicities I might take it a little too seriously.

[edit on 11/2/09 by Evasius]


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