posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 04:18 PM
maybe not that particular situation.
And I dislike the idea of refusing to treat someone, everyone, no matter who they are, deserves their health, life and liberty; unless they are
depriving others of those things UNJUSTLY.
As for "Evolving them out"; I agree, but it doesn't have to be forced, they will do it themselves.
Remember most of these so called "creationists" don't really understand medicine or science, and when they go to the hospital, they just trust in
the doctor and assume he will do his job, and they never really understand why it works.
and let's be honest, most people won't try and decide between their imaginary friend and their health when they are under stress from an injury or
What WILL work is the long term situation.
longevity treatments and other types of self modifications such as DNA re-writing, etc. The religious community will hold that stuff back for a while
(good foreshadowing, albeit annoying). And when it finally does come to pass, they (the hardcore zealots) will refuse treatments, and NATURAL
SELECTION (IE EVOLUTION) will be the underlying reason why they will dwindle and dissapear, as the non zealots will accept treatments, and
1- live much longer
2- not suffer disease as much
3- survive physical trauma that would kill a zealot (oh you are full body paralyzed, well we can replace your spine, oh wait you don't believe in
"playing god" ok fine, give us your mental signature with this device here... well call a robo priest to do your service)
4- be poorer (who wants to hire someone who is going to have health problems?)
5-help to create a caste system across the entire world (hi if you are not upgraded, you are going to have a shi**y life) because everything and I
mean EVERYTHING is going to change to accommodate the cyborgs and super humans.. anyone ever watch ghost in the shell movies or tv series? they had a
good idea.
6- as the general education level rises, people will be less inclined to fall towards superstition and ritualistic behaviors and belief systems
(religion) as a means of understanding their own place in life and existance.
7- I don't believe we will ever see the 100% disappearance of religion, unless the human race was made relatively immortal(living until killed by
accident), and everyone was able to share information with everyone else (complete networked intelligence)