The two parties are constructed in such a way that they will always have people against each other, and their personal rights.
Honestly this has crossed my mind for a while. They pulled out some personal freedoms or rights that some people support, and then some that other
people would support or be against. In this way, people can align themselves to the party accordingly, if that makes sense.
Ok... to be more clear, examples.
Gun rights. You will always have people for them, or against them. So people for them will automatically think they have to vote Republican to
preserve their rights. While the other side feels it is their right to fight AGAINST the right to bear arms.
Abortions. You will always have people for them, or against them. So people will automatically vote Democrat to preserve a woman's right to choose.
People against abortions, will consider themselves Republican. Then said Republican representatives will always tout being against aborting, to keep
that voter base. And in turn, keep the people fighting over petty issues like this.
People strongly believe that it is their own personal right to control what others can and cannot do. And that is what keeps this two-party system
going. The fact that people want to control others, assures that we the people are too busy fighting over petty issues to come together as a whole.
Because of the need to control others, people do not like the Libertarian view. The fact that gun rights, right to marry who you want; even if
same-sex, and abortions, are all petty issues that people will never agree on assures that we are all divided.
Government intervention is one of those HUGE things that we should be fighting for. Government intervention in the economy and our personal lives is
something both parties are all for. And wars? They're profitable, both sides will keep those going too.
This is why we are getting screwed. Both parties have the same agenda, but we will always fight over those stupid issues so we cannot see how badly we
are screwed when we vote for one of the two parties.
Libertarian views rule.
Any questions?
P.S. did you ever get into writing? You can PM me anytime.