posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 07:18 AM
Sadly, a great deal of what's in Tijs's work is copyrighted.
So I can't quote that.
My goal is to put the readers on the path.
I'd like to have some comments on that path ...
One of the most strikening revelation is the tie between PHI (1.6180339...) and PI (3.14159...) and physical constants of to-day (Avogadro constant,
etc ...) and .... 666 ! and the Pyramid of CHEOPS, etc ...
The "extension" of the "Pascal's triangle" (which gives the terms of exp(a+b) like 1*a² + 2*a*b + 1*b² ) towards
Fibonacci's suite (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,...) (and towards PHI) is tremendous.
Some threads lately ( with a lot of questions and answers ) spoke about caucasians in America BEFORE what is now called "native Americans".
In BARSAC's site, you'll see how VIKINGS did go there and established empires.
How SILVER was imported from them in Europe by the Templars.
Please, read and give me a feedback.