posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 11:30 AM
Hello, I live in the Hudson Valley of New York State. Lately I have noticed an increase in the amount of military aircraft flying around the skies
here. I have a 15 minute walk to and from work (9-5), and every day for the past week and a half I have seen some sort of military aircraft in the
area. Just this morning one was circling around the New Paltz, NY area. I know there is a military base about a half hour away from here. If you do
a search on
Live Maps for "Stewart Airforce Base" it will show you the exact location. If you zoom in and go off to
the right a bit, there will be four large military planes, and 8 smaller ones. I have seen the larger ones flying low up the mountain line, and the
smaller ones usually circle around over and over. I'm not sure what types of planes these are, but they have been all over the place in the past
week and a half. Just last night I heard a helicopter which sounded more like a popping noise than a thumping noise a helicopter usually makes, and
once the helicopter was in the distance, I could hear a jet engine roaring. It was about 3:30 in the morning. Normally you can't hear the jets as
they go overhead where I live, they are just too high up, something is going on here, has anyone seen an increased activity in their area, or live in
my area and noticed it too?