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Silver To Be Classified As A Pesticide-EPA Corruption

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by amigo
There are far worse nano-particles all around us that we do not even know about (can't see them) so worrying about nano-silver is silly.

No offense, but this is one of the most stupid statements in this thread.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by esecallum
this blue skinned guy is a stooge who is trotted out every time a discussion about silver takes place.

this shows how powerful big pharma and their media lap dogs are in conditioning people like you.

in fact i was expecting someone to post or refer to this guy within 20 posts and i have been proved right.

Okay let see you eat that crap and turn blue and let people laugh at you.

Making oneself turn blue just because it's 'healthy' is dumb.

Also the OPs paranoia is unfounded. So what they are classified as 'pesticides'. Viruses are 'pests' so to speak. So what's the paranoia? I can buy boxes of commercial pesticides so that makes the NWO out to get me too?

I think this thread is redundant. I also think it's funny.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by SkepticalSpectacle]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 09:13 AM
Also where is this EPA 'corruption' that you are alluding to?

I don't see any? I can blab about any vague terms such as 'corruption' 'liberty' 'freedom' and brandish it and point fingers to encompassing imaginary enemies in the government that doesn't make it exist.

This thread is just plain fear mongering.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by SkepticalSpectacle]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike

Originally posted by amigo
There are far worse nano-particles all around us that we do not even know about (can't see them) so worrying about nano-silver is silly.

No offense, but this is one of the most stupid statements in this thread.

Do I really have to make an expose of things that are pumped into the atmosphere day and night by various industries.

The stuff you breathe in is not just air anymore, not by a long shot.

But suit yourself...

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by SkepticalSpectacle

Originally posted by esecallum
this blue skinned guy is a stooge who is trotted out every time a discussion about silver takes place.

this shows how powerful big pharma and their media lap dogs are in conditioning people like you.

in fact i was expecting someone to post or refer to this guy within 20 posts and i have been proved right.

Okay let see you eat that crap and turn blue and let people laugh at you.

Making oneself turn blue just because it's 'healthy' is dumb.

Also the OPs paranoia is unfounded. So what they are classified as 'pesticides'. Viruses are 'pests' so to speak. So what's the paranoia? I can buy boxes of commercial pesticides so that makes the NWO out to get me too?

I think this thread is redundant. I also think it's funny.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by SkepticalSpectacle]

you betray your ignorance again.

instead of looking at pon all day, you should research your arguments.

you have decided to enter half cocked into a discussion way beyond your comprehension.

did you not see that mescalin can do this to you?

…we recently completed an extensive review of the scientific literature on the safety of silver, especially as it relates to its one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria. Argyria is an irreversible discoloration of the pigment (skin) caused by excessive silver intake or chronic exposure to silver by certain tissues. The amount of silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be 3.8 grams per day.

By comparison standard 10 ppm colloidal silver contains silver in amounts equaling less than 1 milligram of silver (1,000 micrograms = 1 milligram; 1,000 milligrams - 1 gram), which therefore represents an amount approximately 1/500th to 1/1000th of the amount of silver considered to be a risk in the development of Argyria.

Most cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature over the last 100 years involved chronic intravenous or intramuscular use of the silver preparations, most often involving a silver drug prescribed by physicians which in most cases contained silver nitrate. Other cases of Argyria reported in the medical literature involve application of silver preparations used for
many months or years in the treatment of the eye or vagina for certain diseases. We could not locate a single case of orally consumed colloidal silver manufactured in the last 25 years causing Argyria in our review of the literature.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by esecallum]

[edit on 16-2-2009 by esecallum]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 03:05 PM
Well, Well, it looks like the Corporate Elite in the Big Pharma Industry are at it again.

This time they are using (hiding behind) these so called "Non Profit Organizations" as Fronts for Big Pharma to try Ban the Use of Effective "Antimicrobial Silver" Products that are both Useful and In-Expensive to the General Public as Good Alternatives to their Expensive Antibiotic Pharma Treatments.

Big Pharma's First attempt to Scare the General Public Away from the Useful, In-Expensive, and in many Medical Situations Superior "Antimicrobial Silver" Products: was to Parade "Blue Man" around on the Main Stream Media Outlets such as CNN, Oprah Winfrey, etc. However, anyone whom does even the Minimal Research knows that cases of "Argyria" are "Super Rare". So, as soon as Big Pharma was actually able to find such a "Super Rare" Case of Argyria (A Needle in a Hay Stack) they went Hog Wild with the "Blue Man" Parade in Main Stream Media. The funny thing about "Blue Man" is that although he admits that he overdid the concentrations of the amount of Metallic Silver by a Huge Amount, "Blue Man" will be the First One to Admit that Antimicrobial Silver solved All of his other Medical Conditions Very Quickly.

Now, the Big Pharma Money Hungry Elite are at it again by trying to state the "Antimicrobial Silver" should be classified as a "Pesticide" in all Forms? What kind of Sick Joke is this?
Don't these idiots know that "All Silver Based Products" including the Silver in their Bank Vaults emit "Ionic Silver"? The Real first step should be to classify the Gold and Silver in their Bank Vaults (Yes, Gold emits "Antimicrobial Ions", also) as "Pesticides", and their physical holdings in Gold and Silver should be Confiscated from the Elite's Bank Vaults, and put in a Safe Place (Perhaps back in the US Treasury Vaults) far away from the Elite Pharma Execs, so the Elite won't Suffer any of the Ill Effects of their so called "Pesticide" as the Elite Pharma Cronies Want to Classify it.

The "Non Profit Front Organizations" whom put forth this Back Door Bogus EPA Proposal should now know that they look like complete idiots, also: Most of these so called "Non Profit Front Organizations" are in the back pockets (Being Funded) by the CFR Type of Elitist whom are "Hiding" Behind them including Big Pharma Companies.

You say that Antimicrobial "Nano Particle" Silver poses a Threat to Marine Life??

Here is a VERY SIMPLE FACT: Up until 1960, "Millions of People a Day" Ate Food for more than "One Hundred Years" in all of the Civilized Nations throughout the World with "Silver Based" Silverware. And Yes, for over One Hundred Years the "Silver Based" Silverware that people Ate with Contained "ANTIMICROBIAL SILVER" which Emitted "Ionic Silver".

For over One Hundred Years, Millions of People a Day Washed this "Silver Based" Silverware, and the Dish Water with the "Ionic Silver" in the Dish Water eventually made its way back into the Streams, Lakes, and Oceans. Show US ANY Evidence that over One Hundred Years of "Silver Based" Silverware being Dish Washed by Millions of People A Day had "Any Effect" of the "Aquatic Marine Life". Get Real.

You Elitist Big Pharma Execs know what you are trying to do. This is a borderline "Eugenics" Move: very closely related to the same kind of Crap that Hitler tried to pull on his General Public. You are either trying to maintain your Big Pharma Profits by snuffing out a Product (Antimicrobial Silver) which is Superior to your Pharmaceuticals in many Medical Situations and Patient Conditions, or you are trying to carry on the Eugenics Program which would make you No Less Insane than Hitler and Himmler themselves!

You ALL Should be Ashamed of yourselves. But, that's right, you are far to Greedy to even know what Shame is. Perhaps, you all have been hanging around the Ionic Silver and Ionic Gold in your Bank Vaults to long, and you are now suffering from your Imaginary "Pesticide" Monster.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by esecallum

Please consider the study showing that nanoparticles kill Zebrafish embryos and disrupt their reproductivity. Devices such as Samsung's nano silver washing machine may pose a very serious environmental threat. Indeed, some environmental groups are suing to get silvernanoparticles banned for exactly this reason. Please consider this, and the EPA's intentional but perhaps ultimately unsatisfactory decision to regulate only those silver nanoparticles marketed as pesticides. The EPA is in a tough spot, and we must recognize this and help them to come to proper regulations instead of persecuting them as our enemies.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by pexx421

The Proof: Merck Foundation is Funding the Nano-Silver Pesticide EPA Bill (Non Profit Organization Petitioners)

We need Everyone to forward this posting to the EPA, and to your Congressmen.

If you want to see what a Real Farce this Bogus EPA Nano-Silver Pesticide Bill is, just look at this page:

Below are several of the Contributions made FROM the John Merck Foundation aka: (Merck Pharmaceuticals): TO the very SAME NON-PROFIT Organizations that have brought forth this Bogus Nano-Silver Pesticide EPA Bill.

Top Grants Made

Funding To Activist Groups -- Total Donated -- Time Frame
Center for Food Safety -- $1,305,000.00 -- 1999–2005
Institute for Agriculture and -- $490,000.00 -- 1992–2003
Trade Policy
International Center for -- $247,500.00 -- 1999–1999
Technology Assessment
Consumers Union -- $90,000.00 -- 2000–2001
of the United States
Greenpeace -- $80,000.00 -- 2000–2002
Friends of the Earth -- $45,000.00 -- 1992–2000

On their web page, Look at the Table of “Top Grants Made” by the Merck Foundation (Merck Pharmaceuticals), and low and behold you will see some of THE VERY SAME BOGUS Non-Profit (Big Pharma Front) Organizations whom are receiving contributions directly from Merck: are the very same Petitioners for this EPA Nano-Silver Pesticide Bill.

The Lie: Oh EPA, We are SO Worried about the Imaginary Nano-Silver “Pesticide Monster”.
The Truth: If we don’t push this Nano-Silver Pesticide EPA Bill forward: Big Daddy Merck Foundation will cut off the Funding to our Non Profit Organization.

Please make sure you download the Merck Foundation web page (the proof of the EPA Scam via the Conduit of the Non Profit Organizations), and Save the Web Page before Merck makes it “Magically Disappear”. Now you can see how SICK these supposed Non Profit Organizations really are. Big Daddy Merck Foundation will most surely cut them off if they don’t try to help the Merck Foundation Eliminate the Competitive and in many cases More Effective Nano-Silver Products. Go ahead you Non-Profits, kiss Big Daddy Merck’s Fat Butt, and continue to LIE to the American People with your “Deceptive Magic”, your Fake Morality, and your False Goodness. You Non Profits are pushing forth Eugenics. The American People are Waking Up to your Lies including this EPA Nano-Silver Pesticide Scam Bill you put forth. Your days are numbered. Whom in their Right Mind would make a single Contribution to such Parasitic Organizations?

Great Americans for Liberty and Freedom, we now have Proof of this EPA Nano-Silver “Pesticide” Scam. Now it is up to us to STOP IT.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 09:51 AM
O goody,I can now say I drink pesticides.

Fortunately colloidal silver is so simple to make with pure silver and distilled water,they'll never be able to control it's production.

What reason would they give for banning the pure silver rods?
They're not 'nano' at that stage.?

Stuff em,
(And I ain't 'blue skinned' either).

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 10:31 AM
Well blue skinned or green skinned.. any color change in skin pigment can't be good. I wonder what other problems happen to the body internally on too much ingestion?

I for one wont be ingesting any silver that isn't properly measured and made in a hillbillies shed. It's dangerous when you start dosing with such small amount, its very possible that you could be taking too much.

As for it being labeled as a pesticide... well it is a pesticide isn't it? But I do see why it could be labeled as a conspiracy but I assure you, as easy at is to make, it will never be banned.

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by pexx421
yes, the Codex has already passed in a few nations, Germany is one i know of. A friend there told me she asked her doctor for a perscription of vitamin C (cause under codex you need a prescription for all vitamins and supplements) and it cost her $50 for 8 200mg pills. Outrageous! and for a bottle of echinacea it was $100, and they can only buy vitamins (approved vitamins from a list, with approved and tiny dosages) from the approved pharmeceutical companies, no longer from nutricuticals, and all are synthetic, not whole food vitamins. They are the devil i tell you!

Now this is disturbing. Codex Alimentarius...

Well Vitamin B12 is being abused though.. in the states at least. (5 hour energy)

But to have to get a prescription for Vitamin C.. whats the reasoning behind that?

posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 03:24 PM
HEHEHE the of course they are going to make it a pesticide then they are going to pull all of it they can from the market aswell as other silver products of larger size.

The federal government is prepairing to dump the federal reserve and create its own currency backed with silver so hold on to your chains computer wires and the "platinum" ring you've been braging about becasue its about to be worth more than what was givin for it

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 02:02 AM
Puting electricity to silver in water creates Ionic silver. Which does ZERO For you.
Here is some Info on it.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Techsnow
Well blue skinned or green skinned.. any color change in skin pigment can't be good.

Maybe we should ban tanning booths too?

As for it being labeled as a pesticide... well it is a pesticide isn't it?

And fluoride is THE active ingredient in rat poison. We brush our babies teeth with that, though.

Anything taken in excess is bad for you, even water. Most of the legal pharmaceutical medications prescribed today are deadly poisons if taken in large quantities. Colloidal silver is perfectly safe in moderate doses and without the protein binders added. Links have already been provided.

posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Darkice19
Puting electricity to silver in water creates Ionic silver. Which does ZERO For you.
Here is some Info on it.


that information is coming from a page of a yet another seller of a silver based product.

Don't you love it when someone selling something says "The real truth about the product." That reads to me as in "All our competitors are clueless, buy only from us because we know better."

In all honesty, neither are "officially" confirmed or denied and because of that trap many consumers end up buying duds, while the sellers profit on someone's misery. Desperate people are willing to pay anything and snake oil sellers are more than happy to accommodate them.

I am not saying that above mentioned company are snake oil sellers as I do not have first hand information about them, but I am always skeptical when a business is dissing their competition (directly or indirectly).

Many people have made their own silver at home using just three plain 9V batteries and pair of pure silver wires. And it worked for them miracles. It even worked for their pets, as well. Google will yield enough hits on it and there are dedicated Yahoo groups as well.


My suspicion is that one day in the (very) distant future it will be discovered that none of the stuff we eat, drink, smoke, inject, inhale, or apply in any other application imaginable really does anything, in any shape or form. It is all in people's "heads", as in the Mind which does the "miracle" work through the focus of intent.

The next day, it will be realized that there is no body, no Mind, no people, no World, no Universe, and that it is all an illusion. The following moment we'll be one with the God in Heaven (for the lack of better word and description), who we never left and were just dreaming a dream of separation.

But that day is far, far away, for most, if not all of humanity...

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