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The 1973 Pascagoula Abduction Case.

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posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by milomilo

Hola mate and thanks for the post, like the Walton case I'm aware the Allagash abductions do have some dubious aspects and due to the fact that the accounts were recounted by hypnosis years later it's shame that no separately located witness reports could be then found to help corroborate the story - that said, I also think the Buff Ledge encounter is an extremely interesting one and that also involves later accounts under hypnosis.

Buff Ledge UFO.

As the two steadfastly watched the light, three smaller lights seemed to drop from the larger one, which quickly moved up and disappeared from sight. The three smaller objects began to move over the lake.


When it comes to separately located witnesses for the Pascagoula case then (as well as the ones already posted) there's some other details of reports in the article below:

UFO pandemonium struck 30 years ago

Thirty years ago this week, UFO pandemonium broke out.

Folks feared an invasion from outer space. Others thought there was much ado about nothing. Everybody wanted more information.

From a newsman's view, I have never seen before or since so many people caught up in such a frenzy. It was over a report by Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker that a spacecraft had landed on the banks of the Pascagoula River and taken them onboard briefly.

"Everybody was seeing UFOs," recalled retired Mississippi Press Managing Editor Don Broadus.

A Pascagoula city councilman said he saw a luminous UFO the same night of Hickson's and Parker's report on the way to a church service in Vancleave.

"That's our story and we're stuck with it," E. P. Sigalas said.

Pascagoula Patrolman Bill Gennaro stopped on Beach Boulevard to talk with a group of people and they saw an oblong-shaped, blue-haze object zip to the north.

About 3,000 motorists from Mobile blocked Interstate 10 when they heard of a possible rendezvous with UFOs at the Mississippi line.

A cab driver in Biloxi said a UFO caused his taxi to stall out on U.S. 90..


As I'm sure you know already the Pascagoula case also occurred in the middle of a huge UFO flap in the general area and as well as the Coyne case there were also plenty of other strange UFO incidents reported during October, 1973:

The Great UFO Wave: October,1973


posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 09:10 PM
Thanks for the links of Coyne case and 1973 UFO Flap , karl12..

as a side comment, those people who want to see nuts-n-bolts UFO and ETH will be stumped because of this pascaguela case. The pattern dont match, This case is more like abduction that happening in the wilderness. Debunkers like klass who also see everything from material point-of-view also will see no physical trace.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by karl 12

I dunno, sounds kinda true, sounds kinda false. I don't think most people would want people to libel and slander them so there isn't much motive for him to concoct a story. But they give you valuable information they don't want published and you don't want in the wrong hands either.

posted on Apr, 25 2013 @ 06:25 PM
im truly sad that post about real case like this dont garner much attention in ATS forum, but post about 'stargate is real' got like hundreds of post..

i think most ATSer are looking for instant gratification stuff like blurry photo, disclosure, alien corpse etc... and not enough interest in historical cases, even cases that have detailed documents

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by karl 12

On my journey through youtube land I came across this piece of Interestingness , It's a feature length documentary directed by Charles Hickson on the Pascagoula UFO Abduction featuring interviews with Hickson and Parker plus some of the medics that treated and police that interviewed them .

At about 18.52 there is a clip of an audio recording made by the police , Hickson and Parker were unaware the recording was being made and the portion played is of a time they were left alone in the interview room .

Parker ...
"I sure as hell almost had a heart attack.
God I aint ---you .
I came one damn inch from dying "

"I know it scared me to death too , son.
Jesus Christ-- have mercy "

"What's so bad about it is nobody believes us"

"I thought I'd been through enough hell on this earth -- now I have to go through something like this"

A UFO film about the 1973 abduction of co-workers Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker who claimed they were seized and levitated into a craft by very strange five feet tall creatures while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi.

edit on 8-10-2013 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2019 @ 05:31 AM
Heres an old docu with hickson talking

Apparently the beings stayed in contact with him!!Check from 37 minute onwards,or check the whole docu,its sensationalism free and pretty good

posted on Jul, 14 2020 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: gortex

The full audio from what gortex is referencing has recently resurfaced.

It's been uploaded to soundCloud by the Clarion Ledger, a Mississippi based news organization. The audio can be found at the bottom of this article from their website:

The audio quality is quite poor, but it's still possible to make out some interesting details, especially with the help of this transcript:

I'm not sure whether Hickson and Parker were aware they were still being recorded at this time, I'm curious what makes you say that they were unaware? In any case, some interesting moments from the interview...

6:25 - 7:00 —> Hickson describes big "eye-like" instrument which examined him.

What did it look like? Could you describe it?

I just couldn't describe it.

Was it like an X-ray machine?

No it wasn't like no X-ray machine. There ain't no way to describe it. It looked like an eye. Like a big eye. It had some kind of an attachment to it. It moved. It looked like a big eye. And it went all over my body. Up and down. And then they left me.

19:00 - 20:00 --> Hickson mentions he doesn't want publicity, worried about his name being mentioned. This is interesting because afterwards he didn't seem too concerned about this, going on multiple TV shows to talk about his encounter. Parker, on the other hand remained silent for a very long time, until he opened up about the encounter in 2018 with a book. The release of book has apparently caused more witnesses to strange events around the time/place of this encounter to come out of the woodwork: addi tional witnesses

25:00 - 30:00 —> the last 5 minutes are very interesting, with just Hickson and Parker talking amongst themselves. They do seem to be genuinely emotionally/psychically impacted in some way. Something happened...

Sheriff Diamond asked Charlie to come back in the morning to make a complete statement. Charlie said he didn't want any publicity, and he didn't want to get his family upset. Then Diamond and Captain Ryder went out and left the two men alone in the room with the tape recorder still running.

Charlie's voice was shaky as he said to Calvin: "I can't take much more of that" And Calvin sounded frantic.

CALVIN: I got to get home and get to bed or get some nerve pills or see the doctor or something. I can't stand it. I'm about to go half crazy.

CHARLIE:: I tell you, when we through, I'll get you something to settle you down so you can get some damn sleep.

CALVIN: I can't sleep yet like it is. I'm just damn near crazy.

CHARLIE: Well, Calvin, when they brought you out-when they brought me out of that thing, goddamn it I like to never in hell got you straightened out.

His voice rising, Calvin said, "My damn arms, my arms, I remember they just froze up and I couldn't move. Just like I stepped on a damn rafflesnake."

"They didn't do me that way," sighed Charlie.

Now both men were talking as if to themselves.

CALVIN: I passed out. I expect I never passed out in my whole life.

CHARLIE: I've never seen nothin' like that before in my life. You can't make people believe-

CALVIN: I don't want to keep sittin' here. I want to see a doctor-

CHARLIE: They better wake up and start believin'... they better start believin'.

CALVIN: You see how that damn door come right up?

CHARLIE: I don't know how it opened, son. I don't know.

CALVIN: It just laid up and just like that those son' bitches-just like that they come out.

CHARLIE: I know. You can't believe it. You can't make people believe it-

CALVIN: I paralyzed right then. I couldn't move-

CHARLIE: They won't believe it. They gonna believe it one of these days. Might be too late. I knew all along they was people from other worlds up there. I knew all along. I never thought it would happen to me.

CALVIN: You know yourself I don't drink'

CHARLIE: I know that, son. When I get to the house I'm gonna get me another drink, make me sleep. Look, what we sittin' around for. I gotta go tell Blanche... what we waitin' for?

CALVIN (panicky): I gotta go to the house. I'm gettin' sick. I gotta get out of here.

Quotes are from the transcript.
edit on 14-7-2020 by thesearchfortruth because: (no reason given)

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