posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 01:30 PM
From the time I was a young teen, I knew I was living in the wrong place. I knew I had to leave the States but never made an effort to do so.
One fateful evening when I was 19, I was in the library studying. Naturally, I was alone. lol It was about an hour from closing time and someone
came in. I was mentally knee-deep in Urinalysis (so to speak) but sensed that someone was near. I looked up and saw the back of someone's head. My
only thought was "That's my husband." Four years later, so he was. I've lived in Northern Europe since with no homesickness whatsoever.
I love my home state. I love the states I grew up in. I love most of the states I've visited. But that country isn't mine.
I'm not saying that this is "home" in the sense that I feel like I belong here. But I have a job to do here and do it I will. I have done till
now but the real reason I have to be just here as opposed to anywhere else on the globe is just beginning. I'm halfway through my life now. I hope
there's time...
If you know something is true, don't hesitate to follow the signs. You'll end up in the right place.