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Irish Politician Bans TV Ads About Global Warming

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:01 AM

DUBLIN — Northern Ireland's environment minister announced Monday he has banned the local broadcast of British government ads on climate change and denounced their energy-saving message as "insidious propaganda."

Full Story from FOX...

Also see:

Quit call over blocked green ad

A Northern Ireland minister's decision to block a government advertisement campaign on climate change has led to a call for his removal from office.

Full Story from BBC...

Naturally, this is a very contentious issue, however I for one am happy to see a politician who is willing to take a very firm stand based on his convictions.

What do the rest of us think?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:10 AM
Yea, iv been hearing this kind of thing on almost all Irish media for the past few weeks. I met my Dad yesterday and he was even talking about how there is proof that they have made a mistake about Warming.

Iv been trying to tell him for the past two years

Basically, for any pro Global warming heads that read this, the idea goes..

Since the "Models" that "Global Warming" are based on have been shown to be almost completely incorrect in their predictions.. the whole concept of "Warming" in Ireland has been changed to "Climate Change" in order to promote Green Energies.

Subtle but effective.. the funding is still there but at least we're not living a lie anymore

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 12:46 PM
The wheels seems to be coming off the man made global warming religion. Lets hope this is a trend that spreads around the world.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by illimey
Naturally, this is a very contentious issue, however I for one am happy to see a politician who is willing to take a very firm stand based on his convictions.

What do the rest of us think?

Really? Because I'm pretty sure that's all right wing politicians ever do. Stand by their convictions, never mind the facts. So I'm not exactly impressed by that at all, more bored than anything.

Even if- and that's a BIG if- Global Warming were all a BIG FAT HORRIBLE LIE, there is still NO REASON not to use some greener energy sources, because OIL WILL NOT LAST FOREVER. If you only care about your own pleasure, then fine, burn all the oil you want. But if you care about the future, your children, or their children, then maybe we should start working so they can enjoy a life as leisurely as ours has been with the use of energy. If you use up all the oil, and deny the use of any green energies, how will they light their houses, and how will they have heat?

[edit on 9-2-2009 by sadisticwoman]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Posted on this story already.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by numo16
Posted on this story already.

I'm sure the mods will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this thread (my) was posted first.

Either way - no worries here!

Delete or not delete, that is the question....

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:30 PM
It appears you are fault

I searched before posting and didn't find this, oh well. It's ok though, important news should be maid noticeable.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
there is still NO REASON not to use some greener energy sources,

I don't think the OP mentioned anything about not using Green Energy.

I would prefer my tax money to go towards green energy development than towards funding the speculative research of a dying franchise... ie Manmade Global Warming.

The one thing that the ManMade Global Warming crew has given the world is the incentive to develop more green technologies. For this reason alone, they should be forgiven for their sustained lies.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by sadisticwoman

Originally posted by illimey
Naturally, this is a very contentious issue, however I for one am happy to see a politician who is willing to take a very firm stand based on his convictions.

What do the rest of us think?

Really? Because I'm pretty sure that's all right wing politicians ever do. Stand by their convictions, never mind the facts. So I'm not exactly impressed by that at all, more bored than anything.

Well, I kinda agree - but I would peacefully suggest that you are exaggerating when you say "that's ALL right wing politicians EVER do". Just a thought.

Even if- and that's a BIG if- Global Warming were all a BIG FAT HORRIBLE LIE, there is still NO REASON not to use some greener energy sources, because OIL WILL NOT LAST FOREVER. If you only care about your own pleasure, then fine, burn all the oil you want. But if you care about the future, your children, or their children, then maybe we should start working so they can enjoy a life as leisurely as ours has been with the use of energy. If you use up all the oil, and deny the use of any green energies, how will they light their houses, and how will they have heat?

[edit on 9-2-2009 by sadisticwoman]

I completely agree with this! It's NOT all about "me, myself & I".

At least, it shouldn't be.

PS: Why "sadisticwoman"? Or don't I want to know?

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Dermo

Originally posted by sadisticwoman
there is still NO REASON not to use some greener energy sources,

I don't think the OP mentioned anything about not using Green Energy.

I would prefer my tax money to go towards green energy development than towards funding the speculative research of a dying franchise... ie Manmade Global Warming.

The one thing that the ManMade Global Warming crew has given the world is the incentive to develop more green technologies. For this reason alone, they should be forgiven for their sustained lies.

You are quite correct. I am certainly all for finding and using rational, practical alternative energy sources....

Including Nuclear Power!

The simple fact is - without mass quantities of affordable energy, the USA and the rest of the industrialized, entertainment-focused world is going to have a very rude awakening. I for one wouldn't give a poop if we had to, for example, pull the plug on Hollywood and the entire TV industry - now THAT would save some energy!

Thanks for your thoughts, folks - keep 'em coming!

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by illimey

It's just a name. Apparently, I should have chosen "FluffyBunny" though because a lot of people disregard what I say just because of a username.

I normally go by Lolikhan.

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