posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:08 PM
Hi slated! I am pleased that you find interest in my topic. Yes, meditation is the correct and safer way to activate the hidden attributes inherent in
this 95% of one's DNA. Everything in existence has a frequency. That is to say everything resonates at a given frequency, including DNA. According to
Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator, 528Hz is the DNA repair frequency. A frequency at 528Hz will repair broken and damaged
DNA. Meditation in the right manner can also induce frequency changes in one's DNA. I personally believe that this 95% can be activated if one hits
the right frequency range. Unfortunately, I don't know what the right frequency range is. It may vary from person to person but I believe there is a
lower and upper limit to it. Within this limit the Creator DNA can be activated. I have yet to discover what the normal frequency range at which
one's DNA resonates. If one's DNA continues to resonate within the normal range only 5% of the DNA will be revealed which scientists have already
discovered that that is where information of our parentage lies and 95% will be hidden and dormant.
Ascended abilities lie dormant in every single one of us. It is inherent in all and is encoded and hard-wired into this 95% of DNA. At the right
frequency 100% of the DNA will be utilized. Meditation can change the frequency in one's DNA. Be it whether its meditation using the Chakras or
Kundalini awakening or the kabbalistic method.
If one has the desire to know how existence came about and wants to rediscover the lost connection to the Creator it is already a sign that the
frequency in oneself is starting to change. At a certain frequency spiritual awakening will be attained. As one continues the journey hidden worlds
within the invisible spectrum will be revealed at the right frequency. Moving even more forward one will eventually hit the right frequency whereby
ascended abilities will be unlocked and revealed to oneself.
Conciousness substains existence. Since all in existence has a frequency one can also say that Conciousness is in essence is a frequency too. And this
is changing. The Conciousness we are experience now is called Mass Conciousness. If one have read what others are speculating about the year 2012, we
are starting to move into Cosmic Conciousness as we align with the galactic center, which is an area of high radiation capable of altering frequencies
including DNA. But that doesn't mean one can sit and wait till 2012 and automatically attain spiritual awareness and ascended abilities. This boils
down to one thing. If one is not mentally ready and does not believe in the Creator one will not attain the frequency needed for spiritual awakening.
Mentally ready means that one must abandon all conventional paradigms and doctrines and must be open to esoteric concepts. Most important of all, one
must realise that there is a potent force in the Universe. This force is a manifestation of the Creator and is the Creator. Aligning with the galactic
center only couples spiritual awareness and still depends on the individual whether he desire it or not.
If spiritual awareness reaches out to all in the world only then we can move out of 3rd density and advance into the 4th density. When we do that, new
knowledge will be rediscovered. If we ever want to reach posthuman and become a civilisation capable of interstellar travels we must reach mass
spiritual awakening. Combining spirituality with technology we will reach new heights and capabilities beyond what we can imagine now. That is why the
Mayan calendar ends at this point and the Book of Life is unwritten beyond this date. The decision is ultimately for us to decide. Whether we want to
continue to fight among ourselves and be warlike thereby destroying ourselves in a nuclear holocast or be at peace with ourselves and attain mass
spirituality, it is entirely up to us.