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The logic of the existence

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posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:18 AM
The being is strictly material and mechanical.

The existence starts with the sensations, which are the foundation of the reflection process, and thus can be thought as some distancing from pure materialism. The consciousness of our individuality, comes from these sensations, and from the resulting development of the sentiments and the emotions. From the consciousness of our individuality, can come the sentiment of loneliness. This all forms the first path of existence.

The sentiment of loneliness, can lead to its fear, because of the instability, uncertainty, and insecurity around the being. The fear of loneliness is the root of all fears. The fears further distance us from pure materialism, and thus we develop intimacy and attachment, by trying to protect ourselves. This all forms the second path of existence.

Beside this fear of loneliness, are the experiences without fear, the diversity, and the games. This all forms the third path of existence.

These three paths of existence are generally quite combined, and they generally complement themselves very well, through various individual combinations of stillness, introversion, and extraversion. The extremes are generally problematic, when too systematic, both for ourselves, and for the others.

The complete fulfillment comes from the tranquil balance of the three paths of existence, individually, relationally, socially, and globally, in life. The search for this balance, is an individual decision. It is, however, strongly founded on reason, and it is the most fundamental relation to positiveness and negativeness. It is very global, flexible and open, all the while being very precise.

This balance passes, notably, through developing and maintaining balanced individuality, independence, detachment and force, calm, peace and tranquility, stability, certitude and security, attachment, affection and intimacy, curiosity, excitation and exaltation, and through, globally, avoiding problematic stress, oppression and frustration.

The problems of and between developed individuals, are generally caused by the fear of loneliness, when it is not properly managed, by reflection, reason, and analyze, which would generally enable solving the problems quickly, completely, and definitively. The problems lead to stress, oppression and frustration, to instability, uncertainty and insecurity, which often lead to violence, in reaction, to try to protect ourselves from the fear of loneliness. In front of violence, individuals often react with prostration, procrastination, indecision, and apathy, because of the same fear of loneliness, which all lead to the perpetuation of the problems, and to always more stress, oppression, and frustration, and to always more violence in reaction. It is the circle of problems, which can only really be solved, by reflection, reason, and analyze.

By solving all our problems, we can build the idealistic society, to further ease our daily life, to help develop and balance the three paths of existence, and to help maintain and perpetuate reason and liberty, globally.

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 08:30 AM
The logic of the existence

I Will try to give my opinion on this!

The way I see it is like this! take out god for a start then death and being alive..

we just have the universe correct? ok.. Now add in "you are here"

dont ask why !!! bad idea
just try to think of being here and not why or who or what..

The Universe is our counterpart so to speak! now how does logic come into play with this word.

We in math logic is prediction that works out as 1+1 = 2 = logical!

So with this in mind the universe calculated you into exsitance it did it for a reason BECOUSE it needs you here.. dont ask me why coz i aint got a clue..

But we are logical for a reason and thats becouse we are alive.. that initself gives rise to lots of great things like Elogical stuff

elogical only to our logical minds tho! as we dont understand inifinty and symmerty.. well some of us do

this is my LOGICAL reason for "life".. a self replication of the universe "not a human" but the "entery" ect we are just a phyical manifestation of what was here befor "life" as we know it on our planet.

Hope that helps and thats just my "opinion"


posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by theresult
I Will try to give my opinion on this!

You should always aim for the truth. Just express your doubts on the specific ideas your still not quite sure about, and take into account the absolute uncertainty, when talking about phenomenons. When you are well reflected, reasoned, and analyzed, even if you are still missing a few elements of reason, it will only be dynamic adjustments. There is only one truth, by definition. It can be composed, of course, and it is often very nuanced, but it is a single truth. We just have to find it, by reflection, reason, and analyze.

This is really an important mindset. Reason your prejudices and taboos, and just discover the truth. This is how we really progress. We should not fear it.

Originally posted by theresult
The way I see it is like this! take out god for a start then death and being alive..

we just have the universe correct?

Sure, and it is particularly interesting to consider all these foundations would apply to any possible gods and extraterrestrials all the same. We are all strictly equal, in front of the being, and for sentient individuals, in front of the existence.

Originally posted by theresult
ok.. Now add in "you are here"

dont ask why !!! bad idea
just try to think of being here and not why or who or what..

The Universe is our counterpart so to speak! now how does logic come into play with this word.

We in math logic is prediction that works out as 1+1 = 2 = logical!

So with this in mind the universe calculated you into exsitance it did it for a reason BECOUSE it needs you here.. dont ask me why coz i aint got a clue..

There is no need to talk about the «need». It's indeed just pure materials and mechanisms, whatever are their nature. There is no need, in pure materialism. Everything just is.

It is not a problem at all, and it is even very good, for our individuality and feelings of independence and intimacy (we are ourselves, that's it, and as developed individuals, we can decide what we want to do -which we can always do, of course, even if there was any «need»). There are a lot of certainties, to stabilize ourselves, without a «need».

Originally posted by theresult
[...] we dont understand inifinty and symmerty.. [...]

The troubling spacial and temporal limits can be left as uncertain paradoxes, as they are uncertain phenomenons. You can rest on this uncertainty. You can know the solutions, but you will never be able to be sure of them. It limits the frustration around the curiosity. Even any possible gods and extraterrestrials, cannot have any certitude on these subjects. Again, there are a lot of certainties, to stabilize ourselves, including the certitude in these kinds of uncertainties, so it is not really a problem.

[edit on 9-2-2009 by Senatsu Sakizakura]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:16 AM
I was only trying not to come across like a know it all

I could tell you everything i stated is a fact...

But then someone will flame me "again"..

I was trying to put what i "know" in a manner that would not irratate other people

math is my weapon of choice in life and i love it always have since i was seven years old..

I only posted becouse the thread had "logic" in the title

just wanted to edit this..

You should always aim for the truth. Just express your doubts on the specific ideas your still not quite sure about, and take into account the absolute uncertainty, when talking about phenomenons.

the only doubts i have is the clear miss understanding of the human race when it comes to mathmatics

now feel free to flame me for saying that..

I see math not the same as anyone els
i KNOW what it is and its not 1+1=2

[edit on 9-2-2009 by theresult]

posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by theresult
I was trying to put what i "know" in a manner that would not irratate other people

Of course, but logic is logic. They feel irritated, because they are tired of people trying to manipulate them, or of people who are wrong, because it is menacing and attacking them. And they often feel irritated, because they fear discovering the truth, seeing the problems clearly, understanding how wrong everything is, since the beginning of the human civilization, and seeing all the apathy, of themselves included (and all the times they were wrong, and notably when they still pushed it, causing various problems). They often feel irritated, because they have no serious idea about the truth. They have only blurry pictures, often quite full of ignorance, prejudices, and taboos. Their vision of the truth, is empty. And in front of the void, they fear their loneliness. And they fear not being in control, not mastering things. And thus they fear changing, which also troubles their individuality, their independence, their intimacy, because they are wrong, while others seem to understanding things better, so they feel «inferior». They also fear being ridiculed, «believing» in the ideal, as «we all know the human nature is evil, and it will never change», or «we all know where ideals lead», or «it has never worked, and it never will», or «it is very childish, a very naive dream». They also fear you being ridiculed and excluded, and feel you are already isolated, having ideas so different, as it relates to your loneliness, and, by association, to their own loneliness.

So, yeah, they feel irritated, of course. But the only solution is the truth. Everything else, is just delaying it, and it is just as problematic, for everyone, as it is for themselves precisely. And we all know everyone is craving for the truth. This forum is very representative of this frustration.

Now, on a forum (and which even limits posts to 4000 characters...), we won't go very far, and it sure does not help, with understanding the global truth, but if we don't start somewhere, we will never really progress. Even if people block, for now, you still presented something quite true, and it often relieve you a bit (although it is often quite stressful and frustrating, but it is only the beginning).

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 05:27 AM
Money, is searching for control, large number of possessions/diversity, security, stability and certitude, and, in some cases popularity, which all relate to fears of being menaced or attacked, of being exposed, and of being alone, and that is, the fear of loneliness.

Sex, is searching for others (for their existence, for the security, stability and certitude they can bring), for control (of our bodies, of our decision to expose ourselves to specific individuals), for «superiority» (for younger individuals, «trying to become adults», and for all, «trying to be sex beasts»), for curiosity, excitation, exaltation, pleasure, orgasm, which, in today society, all relate to the fear of being alone, of being «out of the loop» (all the prejucides and taboos, around «having sex», the «wedding», «forming a family», «having kids», «having descendents», as «the mark of a successful life»). It's also relieving ourselves, a bit, from daily stress, oppression, and frustration, the fear of «breaking», and all the fears around having to really solve the problems instead (the fear of understanding the problems too clearly, of tiring ourselves to solve them, of being menaced and attacked when trying to solve them, of maybe discovering or understanding «some problems will never be solved»).

Popularity, is very directly, searching for being known, remembered, surrounded by others «who like/love you», and generally, «helping them by our presence, and what we are doing». It all relates to the fear of loneliness, and of others having problems (all the while often not trying to solve them seriously, with all the fears around it, as said).

Power, is searching for control, for «superiority», and the stability, security, and certitude they can bring. It all relates to the fear of being menaced, of being harmed, of being controlled, of being isolated, alone.

Religion, is searching for meaning, for need, for control, for «not being left alone», for stability, security, and certitude («He guides our life», «He is all powerful, and protects us»), for easing our fears around the problems («God is testing us», «it is meant to be», «it is our karma»), all the while most often not trying to solve the problems seriously («suffering for His glory», «repenting for our sins», «He will come back and save us all», «we are weak, while He is all powerful, when the time will come, he will transform this hell, into a paradise on Earth»), for not being alone and menaced by others («we are all together», «we are one»). Again, it all relates, indirectly, or very directly, to the fear of loneliness.

Science, in today society, is searching for understanding, for control, and the stability, security and certitude they can bring, for easing our lives, for «saving lives», for «surpassing our fathers» (as a «meaning»: «infinite progress», «developing knowledge»). Often, building a superstructure of more or less reasoned ideas, and hidding there, «safe», notably when they cause problems themselves («it is all for science», «it is not for us to decide what should, and what should not be applied»), or are being presented with more reasoned ideas (or any idea, in practice, as they do not always have really reasoned arguments, to seriously reject them) they are not prepared to accept (all the «false sceptics»).

Violence, and prostration, procrastination, indecision, and apathy, all are related to reaction from our daily stress, oppression, and frustration, to trying to regain a bit of control, to not feel too «inferior», to try distance/detach ourselves a bit from the problems (in the extreme of violence, by being the very cause of it... -«breaking the taboos», «being stronger»), and all the fears around solving the problems seriously.

The fear of loneliness, is really the root of all fears, and an important part of all our sentiments and emotions. It is very fundamental, as it relates, very directly, to our individuality, to being, more or less independently from the others.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 05:17 AM
Almost all individual and social problems, in today superficial and limited human society on Earth, are caused by the fear of loneliness, which is not properly managed, because people are not reflecting, reasoning, nor analyzing enough. Ignorance, prejudices, and taboos, lead to stress, oppression, and frustration, to instability, to uncertainty, and to insecurity, and in reaction, to try to protect oneself, to violence, which, of course, does not seriously solve anything, and is very problematic, immediately, for all, as it relates very directly, to lasting loneliness (pain, harm, death, and the associated void).

With the development of the human species, probably came the intellectualization of the basic «animal» conflicts (notably, around food, and the defense of ourselves, our groups, and our territories), which, without reflection, reason, and analyze, generally meant more lasting violence, more lasting brutality, leading to prostration, and then, apathy, procrastination, and indecision, on solving these problems. It led to always more stress, oppression, and frustration, to always more fear, to always more conflicts, which all forms the circle of fears and problems, and which easily led to complete insanity.

However, millennia after millennia, we still developed as a species. Culture, art, and knowledge, brought us always nearer to the global vision of the being, the existence, and the life, to the ideal, although the reflections, the reasonings, and the analyzes, were generally always quite limited, including, often, directly, because of this fear of the loneliness, and the difficulty of its acceptation, by people so scared, with a vision so blurry, of what are the being, the existence, and the life.

Today society is very unstable, very fragile, because of the accumulated stress, oppression, and frustration, which has been made growing even more, in the past few decades, because of the globalization, and scientific evolutions, which put people directly in front of the problems of the entire society, worldwide, with crumbling «faiths», and the fear of the erroneously cold and systematic «sciences», leading to a very dark future, depicted in numerous pieces of art. Today massive diversity, in history, culture, art, and knowledge, without any single serious foundation, blurs everything, and people are completely lost in fears, not knowing what to do, and where anything could really lead to. They are pushing in all directions, hysterically, frenetically, frightening themselves even more, in front of the void, all around them. They are craving for real answers, and for real rest, but wherever they look, there is no serious solution, because the ideal, in today society, is a very empty vision, leading to fear of the unknown, and to the fear of change. They are in front of the precipice, always close to fall, to «break», «if anything more happened», and they fall very often, as problems keep accumulating, and accumulating more, wasting their life, from birth, to death.

Yet, this is only just insanity. It is superficial, and limited, and people want, strongly, consciously or not, «something else, something really better», to protect themselves against the fear of loneliness, and to attain fulfillment, in sensations, in sentiments, and in emotions, with far more interesting experiences. By understanding, and solving, the circle of fears and problems, by reflection, reason, and analyze, we can begin to solve all our problems, and build the idealistic society, quickly, completely, and definitively. A global positive change, is not that difficult, compared to the perpetuation, and the aggravation, of all our problems, or even, the local, temporary, and limited resolution, of some basic problem, while all our other problems persists, and might even be aggravated, by this resolution. A global positive change, unblocks everything.

[edit on 11-2-2009 by Senatsu Sakizakura]

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