posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 02:28 PM
Bilderberg member Tony Blair is poised to become the first president of Europe after it was confirmed that French leader Sarkozy was determined to
help him win the post.
Blair was once questioned if he belonged to Bilderberg to which he denied membership, but it was shown in the members interests of parliament he had
attended a Bilderberg Meeting. Blair is a high ranking Mason and member of the double headed eagle (as is Dick Cheney). Make no mistake Blair weilds
REAL POLITICAL POWER (Think Illuminati, and is a Key player in the forthcoming one world Goverment, new world order)
Look at the evidence with an open Mind;
1/Attends Bilderberg Conference
2/Elected PM in Landslide victory
3/Starts illegal war with Iraq based upon a lie
4/Retires as PM and sets himself up (with help) as peace envoy in middle east, and public speaker earning over £12 million a year
5/Has enough Power and Influence to be THE FIRST EX PREMIER or PREMIER to meet Barrack Obama
Blair is a key player in Bilderberg and the double headed eagle. This man is NOT what he seems, dark, satanic, watch what happens next.