Originally posted by Krossbeau
in the middle of the night i woke up feeling as though i had someone sharply jabbing me in the back, it was so intense i felt like i was being lifted
from my bed.
I hope this is relevant (I'm confident it is):
First, I never had the bloody nose problems.
Second, I have NEVER seen a UFO (I have wanted to so bad for all my life, and I don't think I have seen a ghost). I was never one to hallucinate.
I'm basically saying I think I can tell what's "real" and what's "not".
Third, I'm putting this in here, because I suspect it has something to do with my experiences. - One day when I was about 11 I all of a sudden had
this feeling that someone or someTHING was watching me. To make it sound less schitzo-ish - I felt a presence around me, and it never left to this
day. I don't believe me to be schitzophenic, though.
Anyway, the story starts here, when I was from about 5 to 7. A strange thing would happen to me in the middle of the nights. I'd say about once
every 2 weeks or so.
I used to call it "The Hand", and I will never forget it. It felt like someone made a fist with their hand, and like pushed it into my side, while
going clockwise and counterclockwise. It didn't feel like it was going inside me, but it really felt like something was there. Like I said, dreams
are dreams - I get that. But to feel something so distinct makes me wonder. I always told my mom about it because it terrified me. I would wake up
because of it.
One day, my mom took some carbon paper (she did alot of typewriting back in the mid 80's), made it to resemble a fist, and destroyed it in front of
me (I don't remember how she destroyed it). It didn't do sh**; I still experienced "The Hand" for a couple of more years until it stopped around
7... Then this happens:
It was right before my father died (I don't think it was releated, but I did get - to this day - the worst headache in my entire life the night he
died - right before he died). Anyway, This was when I was 12.
I was sleeping, and I awoke to what people would call sleep paralysis. I obviously couldn't move, so I tried to scream. This was the first time this
happened, so I had no idea what was going on. Right around when I woke up into this paralyzed state, I got this incredible zapping feeling going from
my head to my toes. And it wasn't pleasant. My mind was fully concious once I started freaking out. I tried to scream more because of it, but to no
avail. The zapping (or sapping? - more later) was steady, and it felt like millions of watts of electricity was going through me. After what seemed
like a few minutes of this, everything sequed into the next morning with me waking up. I never told anyone.
Same thing happened again about 12 years later. I was in my early 20's. I don't recall being zapped with as
much juice, and I was again
paralyzed and scared. At this point in my life, I was already interested in ET's and UFO's for some time. I even got into astronomy when I was 10.
What I am trying to say is that given the setting of this last one - I had no reason to be scared, because I was always looking forward to meeting a
being from another planet. Also, I'm very open to what the mind can do, even though I can't seem to do much with it(I am trying so hard to learn how
to Astral Project and do Lucid Dreaming). It seems these things happen inadvertantly.
And for the latest incident. I am 29 now. About 1 month ago, I was awakened to the worst one yet. I wasn't even asleep for long. I was on my stomach,
and it felt like something strong had me pinned down. Felt like a persons leg was on my back. Not that I would know or anything, but it felt like it
would when a cop gets someone on the ground, and puts his knee on the guys back while holding the hands down to cuff 'em. It felt like how that
would. I could almost feel the points of pressure so strong, and that's what my mind put together. Someone or something pinning me.
I know I may get flamed for what I will say next, but I think it also may be relative.
I grew up very depressed,
always sapped for energy, and doing drugs and getting arrested. Now that I look back upon EVERYTHING, I swear it
wasn't me doing it - almost like something else more or less
strongly influenced me to do it.
I am told I am very intellegent. I have low self esteem, but that's the one thing I believe. Like I said, despite the bad things I did to myself and
others, I always knew the difference between right and wrong, but I never followed the right path. I consider myself very logical (like I said,
contrary to what I've done and been through). Even once I realized I had drug problems and other problems, when I tried to stop I couldn't - despite
growing consequences. It got to the point where I felt like I was being controlled. Depression was paramount. Even something pulling me to kill
myself... Even during the worst of my depression, I knew that was NOT what I wanted to do, so I ignored the "pull" or the influence. It would keep
tugging, but I knew this was BS and not to fall for it.
I got through it, and on the other side, I really started to see things differently. That's when I really went on the search for the meaning of life.
That's where I stumbled upon this site.
My theories of what I think has happened to me will sound crazy to some. It still even does a little to me, but the bible and other things have failed
to give me the understanding that I have attained from not only hearing other people's experiences, but from sifting through the BS and putting it
all together.
I could have either been messed with by Greys, or something worse. I've always heard of "Evil" and "Satan" and hell and all that. Never really
believed it. But if ET's exist from all of the stories and legit videos I've seen, then it could be something of a Reptillian thing perhaps. I know
alot of people don't believe in that crap, but it makes sense that if the Reps existed, they are the ones who play the role of demons and such. They
do feed of off negative energy. And the Greys are supposedly subservient to them.
I don't buy into the Sleep Paralysis thing. I believe "Sleep Paralysis" is the springboard to the Astral or higher planes anyway. I think there is
more to things than meets the eye.
And by the way, when I had that last experience of being pinned, the nights before I sensed something malevolent.
Who thinks I'm crazy?