posted on May, 1 2009 @ 07:58 AM
I keep hearing others say....the bible is proven through the prophecies.
Let's just look at this for a the mind if you will, just a smidgen.
First-talking to who????? God???
Channeling 'god' is more like channeling a 'self' of 'you'. Everyone is connected to the prime of divine 'god' through humbleness, seeking,
fasting, awareness of ones self, actions, ect....and truly can connect to a 'higher self' that is like a 'prime self'...but I dont think this is
the full encompass of 'god' talking to is the higher self, guardian angels or even past or future selves (which can still be a higher
self or lower self). God, THEE GOD, The supreme infinite one of all unreachable....this is why there are lower manifestations that can
connect us with our divine self. We all are loved and watched. I have witnessed the power of angels, and pretty much, I dont think there is anything
they cant do...but I am not sure they really intervene as in 'fixing' things because the most important thing for us to do here besides awakening to
our nature and what we are is to ACCEPT and COPE with a humble heart.
The people of the OT-
In the OT we see a sifting through old gods to new gods. If you research history, one can easily see there are traditions that move from one culture
to the next, there are certain days that are considered holy and get used from one culture to the next, there were cultures making 'laws' that have
similarities from one culture to the next, there are even fantastical creatures that get used in spiritual beliefs with similar origins from one
culture to the next, even similar stories of the main happenings move from culture to culture with little change. It is not hard to see how many
traditions the OT carried over from a former culture and we also see man y in the OT that do not seem to be of a humbled nature, many times killing,
taking foreign wives (which in the bible was not considered right), many wives, trading inheritance, tricking for a inheritance, seeking a epod
(stones) for answers, and what seems to be 'supernatural' events. We see this demanding god who is jealous and forces his way with the people in
bribing them with land.
Many actions in the OT created negative energies. One can not expect that 'god' would come through to these men day after day while all of this
unholy actions were taking place. And besides, god does not intervene thsi way....what is is what is....if you think god must intervene...then you
assume gods plan and makings are not perfect are having a hard time accepting life as it is and therefor you find it satisfying and
hopeful that god intervenes. The one intervening in the OT is a lower vibration of power/ruler who needs energy from us to be with us. This lower
power is the power of flesh/ego/pride/greed only exists to us while we are in the body of is our other voice in our minds that
lures us take the easy way out. This is the same voice Jesus would of fought with, inside his own mind while being in the flesh, that tempts the
spirit to take the easy way. This is a lower self of all of us, any spirit within the flesh body has this voice. Ones raising, environment and
personality may make one more prone to listen to the voice of flesh or listen more to the voice of spirit. This voice has always been known, but
within the last couple thousand years, it has lived as the name of Satan. We all have this adversary and it is our very own, connected to our own
decisions and temptations.
Many men in the OT were channeling their lower self....this is why the prideful and jealous 'self' came through to them....but they took it to be
And those great prophecies-
So how hard is it to set up a scene that can foretell the future?? Is it really that hard. Divide the people, take a land from a nation of people,
convince yourself that you are deserving to that land no matter what, until the end of time....and you have a forever ongoing war between two people.
The bible sets up a battle scene all the way until the end of the saying there is a special land and people. This is a set up with awful
bloody dark consequences. I really think they for the most part did believe this 'inner' voice was god telling them to kill families and take this
land. The only way one can dare understand this was not the infinite creator above and within all things is to seek the nature of what god is and what
makes Thee god.
Think about humans primal actions, such as loosing tempers, seeking revenge because they cant forgive, being greedy in the body of flesh, being
prideful about being 'special'....and you can start to see what god is NOT. God is perfect, consistent, prime, pure, unblemished, holy, divine, all
the attributes that humans are not while in the flesh due to our perception of 'we are separate'. God is not in a battle of a flesh and spirit like
we are....God is not tempted to anger, to revenge, to not forgive, to be greedy or prideful of certain people or land. God is a force of life, perfect
in every way. The awesomeness of God makes a way for all things to recycle through, reaping what is sown, allowing us to learn through our own actions
through recycling. This is not a 'choice' of god...IT IS GOD...God is order.
When the ego of man takes hold, and greed and pride set in that they are special and believe god has told them to do things NOT of gods nature...then
we have the tales of the OT showing their true light. The idea that god told men to take land, kill people in the process and to consider themselves
'special' is the main ingredients for a recipe of prophecies that are seeming to be true. We have seen the wars, we have seen the division last and
still the wall of division is keeping humanity from unity. The ego voice of men in the OT has surely set the stage for what seems to be 'divine
works' because prophecies are seeming to be coming true. I do not see it hard to understand why these tellings have came true....the stage was
perfectly set for the 'play' to unfold.
Then people say...well the messiah is true, that came true, it was prophesied and came true. But yet, they dont want to look down the rabbit hole and
wonder why Jesus taught such different teachings. They dont want to look at why Jesus does not make it CLEAR that he is their sacrifice. They dont
want to look at why the ones who foretold of a messiah did not except Jesus as the messiah. The story gets written making Jesus something he was not.
The truth is in between the lines of the greatness of the man Jesus and the mind complex of Jesus can be reached and can comfort us, guide us, help us
accept and cope with life. But the blood ritual of blood sacrifice blemishes the nature of Jesus and God so much so that one may become very lost in
their way of 'who they are'. Jesus tells you, you and I are body is your body, we are of the same can even do greater things
then father and I are one.....therefor....our father and us are one....everything is ONE with all. Jesus saw this and this is why Jesus lived
the way he lived. Jesus knew, harming another, was the same as harming himself....or even, harming God, the one within all things. Jesus knew he was a
spiritual being, battling the flesh, to remain unblemished by it and to return righteous. In the process of living such a life....your other selves
learn great things from you....about love. Nothing can conquer love. We may buck it the rest of our lives, only to find out, we were bucking our own
self, our own being, denying what we were or are.
There are two natures in the bible, flesh and spirit...which is why it is the greatest book for learning about the two natures. BUT!!!!!! Many believe
both of these natures are attributes of the Infinite Creator....who only vibrates in love and is not capable of the lower attributes.