reply to post by annestacey
I'm a pharmacist and I wouldn't worry about it too much. Lots of medications go on back order peridically, and they are usually available again
within a few weeks. I'm sure it will be pretty soon.
I also take thyroid meds, so, I know how you feel. Here are a few alternatives if Synthroid goes back-ordered indefinitely, although I can't imagine
Synthroid being backordered indefinitely
1. You can get the generic levothyroxine. It wouldn't hurt to switch for a month or so until the brand synthroid comes off back-order.
But if you do have to switch to generic synthroid (levothyroxine) indefinitely, you may want to consider having your thyroid labs drawn after 4 weeks,
to make sure you don't become hypo or hyperthyroid. Although most of the generic levothyroxine products are now 100% bioavailable (identical) to
synthroid, not all of them are.
If this makes you feel any better, I work in a hospital, and we use generic levothyroxine for all our patients, so I wasn't even aware of the
Synthroid backorder.
2. Are all strengths of Synthroid backordered, or just a few? If all of them aren't backordered, another option you have is to use a half of a
pill of a higher strength or two pills of a lower strength of Synthroid. Sometimes, only one strength of a drug is back-ordered, but not all of them.
This happens quite a bit for us in the hospital. Ask your local pharmacist about this one.
3. There are also natural thyroid products available, such as Armour thyroid, Westthroid, etc... (This is natural dried thyroid from an animal.)
I myself take Armour thyriod, which is a desicated thyroid I was on Armour from the age of 1 and 1/2 to 22. I switched from Synthroid to Armour
thyroid when I was 22 (because they told us in pharmacy school Synthroid was better than Armour, and I was trying to go 100% vegetarian) but I
developed mood swings when I switched over, which eventually developed into full swing bipolar disorder 10 years later.
I didn't realize that the brain can go into a form of bipolar disorder if your t3 levels are too low or if you are still clinically hypothyroid
while on thyroid medicine until I started doing my own research.....then I switched back to Armour thyroid. My moods were much, much, much better on
Armour thyroid than they were on Synthroid!!
Because of my experience with Synthroid and generic levothyroxine, I now tell all my patients who are experiencing depression or anxiety or mood
swings while on Synthroid to talk to their doctors about trying Armour or adding t3 to their Synthroid regimen. Some patients need t3 added to their
t4, depending on whether they convert t4 to t3 effectively enough. if not, not enough t3 can reach the brain, and mood swings and anxiety can develop.
I don't know if you suffer from depression or anxiety or mood swings, but if you do, you could always talk to your doctor about switching to a
natural thyroid product like Armour thyroid or Westhroid, etc... (Check the internet.....there are lots of pages and devoted to this phenomenon. Also,
a good book on this subject is "everything you need to know about hypothyroidism" by M. Shoman)
Well, I hope all that helped. But don't worry...backorders don't usually last more than a few weeks, so your Synthroid should be available again
By the way, the new TSH recommendations are to now keep it within 0.3-3.0. Some doctors aren't aware of this, and they are still going by the old
recommendations, which is to keep the TSH around 5-7, but this can cause a patient to go into subclinical hypothyroidism, and develop depression,
anxiety, etc...
[edit on 7-2-2009 by nikiano]