reply to post by blood0fheroes
you said- "I am strictly opposed to a draft for this very reason, as our rights are inherent - not gifts."
i reply- there would be no draft. completely voluntary. your rights are not inherent. if they were, they would have existed all thru history,
which they do not. they were created by the founding fathers, and defended by the blood of patriots.
you said- " You dont want to participate in government? Dont serve and become a citizen. You want to serve, and not become a citizen? Thats fine too.
You want to become a citizen, but not serve? Well that can be arranged as well.
Read the phrase very carefully : "Service guarantees citizenship" never said that was the only way."
i reply- read the book. there is but one way to be a citizen, and that is thru service. just as service makes you a vet, so would would it make you
a citizen, however you can choose not to vote and/or hold office (the only rights granted by being a citizen). no service, no citizenship. (all
persons 18+ of sound mind and non-felon will be accepted. a job will be made for the lame and/or mentally retarded. you can quite anytime)
you said- " it would be imperative that the option to not participate, as well as going back to the original ideas of freedoms-without-permission
would need to be implemented."
i reply- again, no one is forced to join and become a citizen. only those that wish to vote and/or hold office (in addition to the current perks
like the g.i. bill) would join. i dont know what you mean by "freedoms-without-permission" means.
ive been thinking about this quite a lot lately so that i may have answers to any and all questions. if the idea that the 14A needs to be changed
gathers steam, and actually becomes a viable situ, then i will do everything in my power to get this on the ballot as well.
ive already identified a few issues, like classifications. i suggest we go to citizen, resident/subject (tho i dont care for the subject name, the
definition is valid), temporary resident, illegal resident. from lowest to highest in terms of rights, illegal residents have no rights. they must
live for 5 years without altercation with the law in order to apply for temp resident (this is because most illegals are good people looking for a
better life. if they can live for 5 years in the shadows, i would say we should give them a chance for legal status. this of course can be altered.)
temp residents (visa holders, students, etc.) have the same rights they do now. residents are those born in the states and have all rights they
currently do, except the right to vote and hold elected office. citizens have all rights.
the military would have to be changed. now an officer is someone that has a 4yr degree and completes ots. this means that the rich are more able to
have perks that the poor dont and continues an elitist attitude. i suggest all persons join as enlisted, and after the 2 yr minimum can be suggested
by their command for ots (all vets know an officer that couldnt man a latrine, and a sergeant that could command better than colonels. my system puts
the best, hopefully, at the top). no active mil can vote, unless they have 10+ years of service.
as part of the out-going process, all mil must attend a u.s. history class, and a u.s. government class. this is to insure that not only are the
voters willing to die for their country, but actually understand how it works and how it came to be.
im sure other issues will arise, but for now, i think this clarifies my thoughts. if you have questions tho, i will try to answer them quickly.