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Wireless Electricity Is Here (Seriously)

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posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson
hmmmm i can kind of see trillions and trillions of free electrons zapping around everywhere somewhat causing ELF electric fields that would be somewhat undesirable to the human mind.

it will also cause intense static charges to form.......

... will it ease your mind to know that radio towers output WAY more energy than these household transmitters can?

We won't see any more hazards than you find living near a radio station.
Next to none.

(Unless you open up the transmitter... which would be akin to climbing the radio tower).

Oh my god, I just realized something...
I REALLY need access to how he harmonized the secondary coil now...
Not gonna say why.

[edit on 6-2-2009 by johnsky]

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 07:00 PM
In the late 50's there were experiments with microwaves to transmit power over the air. Worked pretty good, except that microwaves are pretty dangerous to the health...they tend to cook flesh from the inside out.

The "crystal" radio experiment lighting up an LED is a good example of wireless energy transfer. Stack those germanium diodes as you would a HV diode stack and you can power alot more than just an LED. Add a large cap, 1 or 2 Farad and you got yourself a nice natural power supply, courtesy of all the RF energy in the air.

Thing with these Tesla style energy transmitters is that they can induce that energy into anything that will resonate at the operating frequency, picking up that energy and transfering it to the nearest ground point. Lets hope the metal door at the store your about to grab to open isnt inductively charged with several hundred volts of static buildup, or your vehicle door, or a fence gate, or your metal pins keeping your busted bones intact while they heal. ZAP!!

I think the best way for conductor-less energy transfer would be by either using some form of plasma energy conduit, or use microwaves through waveguide that has no conductor except the outer shell, which is at ground potential. Then you can feed gigawatts of microwave energy through the waveguide, and simply tap the waveguide at drop points and into homes and buildings.


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
The guy on the video says the electricity is transferred over radio waves. Is this the reason for radio and tv going digital? I coincidentally need to rewire my 1950's era home.

That also might explain why several corporations are all suddenly coming out with this technology

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by stikkinikki
The guy on the video says the electricity is transferred over radio waves. Is this the reason for radio and tv going digital? I coincidentally need to rewire my 1950's era home.

Not at all the reason. They are going to digital TV transmittions for one simple reason, high definition quality. Also by doing so they will free up a lot of the high VHF and UHF frequencies for new uses like new WIFI like equipment.
As far as radio, they will not be going digital with that besides what already exist with IBOC which is nothing new and doesn't hurt regular analog listeners.

To a few of the other posters, my guess is that they are using a basic high powered AC frequency probably in the low VLF radio bands. The transmittion device looks like a basic loop antenna and since it's so huge that is why I guessed low frequency.
Once again this is nothing new. Transmitting energy from one loop antenna to another is the basic idea of how an AC transformer works, the difference is there is nothing metalic between the inductors and the AC wavelength is much shorter so instead of your 60Hz wall current, it's probably more like 500KHz (just an example mind you) to propagate better through air rather than a metal core.

Anyone who has a decent background in radio electronics could replicate what you see in that video. Just make two large loop antennas designed for the same frequency, a simple antenna tuner unit on both to peak their performance, a simple high powered carrier signal generator (radio transmitter) sending it's energy into the first loop ant. Then on the receiving end use a basic power regulator and voila! Wireless energy so you can show the world your new wonderful mind boggling device! When the FCC nocks on your door because you are killing someones favorite radio station near by, don't answer

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:28 AM
I thought Wireless Electricity Was Invented a long time ago? I think they call it "Lightning" .......

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I thought Wireless Electricity Was Invented a long time ago? I think they call it "Lightning" .......

Nature has "invented" many things, and we humans are just trying to catch up!
For example, nature has perfected flight millions of years ago and we humans only started flying for a little over 100 years.

[edit on 2/8/2009 by Hyzera]

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