posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:09 PM
The UKs continued release is a positive thing. They honor the Freedom of Information Act in spirit. Released files have only the sensitive details
blacked out. The delay between reporting the sighting and the reports release to the Public is much less than it used to be. See the links below.
Despite this, we shouldn't get carried away and start celebrating disclosure. It's only partial Disclosure. The UK is tied in to US policy decisions
and share Intelligence. The US has a major listening station in the UK, common knowledge. The reports don't confirm alien visitation or ET-piloted
crafts. Many reports involve a man walking his dog reporting a light in the sky. Others are requests by other interested parties (journalists, members
of the public) requesting information. Others are pranks and some indicate mental illness.
Within the great many reports that are released there always a few that are truly remarkable. Police, fire officers, MOD Guards, Armed Forces
personnel and highly reputable witnesses. They remain inconclusive due to the nature of the incidents. Still, they are worth reading. Here's a
The UK and other nations release information of reports that the US ignores or denies. That in itself is admirable. It still doesn't mean that the UK
is releasing *everything* that is reported. The latest releases are linked below...
UFO Report 2008
UFO Report 2007
UFO report 2006
UFO Report 2005
Reports from 1997 to 2008 are found here on the
Ministry of Defence site.
link is
for UK citizens to report sightings and contains both address and contact number.
If you don't want to go through all the files, this
National Archives page has a highlights page and
links to reports dating back to 1987.
It's all interesting reading, but some are more interesting than others. There are several diamonds in all that coal
Happy reading