I assume there are a fair amount of them, because they were swarming the tether, investigating it, NASA also reported that some electronic settings
had changed, settings only adjustable by remote control, but lets not get into this. Comets and space crystals shouldn't even be visible in space
until they start burning up in our atmosphere, and start letting off light, I assume this is why they are claiming they were ice crystals glowing in
sun, one could also say, that's an awful lot of ice crystals floating around, and there are not hundreds, a lot of what you see are stars, you know,
the ones that don't move relative to each other...The last point I want to make, is that water, let alone, ice crystals, shouldn't even even exist
in space, the extreme radiation from the sun should instantly cause the ice to melt, and vaporize in a furry of nuclear reactions and
This footage is from a while ago when they started doing live feeds using the cameras that could see into the lower light spectrum, which these crafts
are only visible in, well most of the time, they are highly quantized energy crafts, making them capable of faster than light space travel (if you
want a better description of the physics, I suggest you watch the second part of the following videos, might take a while to get to it, these are the
the two parts of "Evidence: The Case for NASA UFO's", they are from different sources, so they may overlap slightly). Shortly after these UFO's
were shown on national television, NASA stopped doing live feeds...also peculiar.
He's also says his "Galaxy Clock" theory gives insight into the formation of the galaxies, why they have black holes in the center, and why they
have the spiraling shape. I do not really understand his theory properly, but I have just found a 60 page PDF file on his theory (to big to attach, so
I uploaded it here:
www.megaupload.com...), which I have yet to read. It took an abnormal amount of effort to find, as it didn't seem
to exist where it supposedly use to be, if you find the page where it is said to be on Google, and chose to view it in HTML, it seems to work, but the
last 10 or so pages were missing and the pictures weren't showing, but I eventually found the full PDF version. It isn't actually a PDF format, it
is a "P file", not sure what that is, but it works fine in Acrobat Reader.
When the two pieces of contreversial footage I have presented here, are examined by me or other highly trained experts, one conclusion is eminent,
these things definitely do have methods of producing propulsion, these things can make intelligent monouvers, and some of these monouvers would
produce G forces that would be powerful enough to create nuclear explosion, were these objects made of normal matter. They are infact, highly
quantized, existing on a higher wave state, and capable of breaking light speed, and maybe even time. If there were this many objects made of normal
matter, floating around space, we would have lost numerous space craft and satellites, and it just wouldn't be safe to travel through space in the
way we currently do, not to mention, the mere size of some of these objects would pose extreme danger to Earth. The tether incident was filmed very
close to Earth, close enough so that the tether could travel through the Earth's Ionosphere, so why were objects, that are at least 2-3 miles wide,
in such vast numbers not being pulled into the Earths atmosphere and impacting the Earth? NASA scientist's have admitted to unidentifiable objects
entering the Earths atmosphere, they estimate millions enter the Earths atmosphere every year, yet no satellites ever get struck, nor do such huge
objects ever get seen burning up as they enter the Earth's atmosphere, nor do they impact the Earth, the odds against all these things are extreme.
It also seems, in the hours of NASA footage where these objects are captured, they always look very similar, heightening the probability that these
are Alien space craft, and NASA always makes up some excuse as to what these objects are, and most of these excuses are plain, out right lies, as they
are scientifically impossible.