posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Grock
Someone is helping them. Iranians have the brains to work out how to build rockets like these but they have been under an embargo for years and they
don't have the specialist materials to make things like that without a bit of help from a silent partner.
The North Koreans have had the bomb for many years yet they still don't have ballistic missiles.
You know Israel is going to make a meal of this so why should Iran disclose their ballistic missile technology and expose themselves to attack unless
they already have the A bomb.
It is quite possible they already have these bombs since you don't have to explode it to know it works. Exploding an A bomb is only used to announce
your arrival at the nuclear club,
I surmise that Iran will test a bomb shortly and suddenly become a respected member of the world community and Israel will become nicey nicey.
[edit on 022828p://pm2812 by masonwatcher]