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Obama the Hypocrite

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posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 09:58 PM
Obama Turns Up The Heat

During a campaign event in Oregon in May, Obama said we have to "lead by example." "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times," he said.

Obama's aides had a simpler explanation. Though he's spent more than 20 years in Chicago, the president was born in Hawaii. And so he "likes it warm" in the Oval Office, said Chief of Staff David Axelrod. "You could grow orchids in there," he told the New York Times.

I heard this story yesterday, and was waiting for an article to come out about it. It seems like he's pulling an Al Gore.

Edit: For those who don't know about Al Gore's personal energy consumption.

Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth

[edit on 3-2-2009 by IKnowNothing]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 10:06 PM
That article was absurdly bias, no wonder it came from Fox news. But this does bring up a good point of how do major politicians and media personnel, who by nature are enormous consumers of energy, appear legitimate when talking about environmental issues. For instance the Dalai Lama has a central environmental message, yet his carbon footprint is enormous because of all his international travel.

The solution is not partisan politics, but technological development. If we had alternative forms of energy it wouldn't matter how hot you turn up the furnace, as long as it wasn't emitting greenhouse gases. And it is for this reason I will have to maintain my support of Obama despite this "hypocritical" example, because he plans to invest heavily in alternative technologies.

Honestly though Faux news come on: "the rest of the country has been trudging through a tough winter. . Ice storms have cut power to millions in the Midwest and South."

this is a total lie, colorado is experiencing a relatively warm summer, and random ice storms happen every winter. Faux news shouldn't be considered a credible source with this kind of talk.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 10:13 PM
What? You expect Obama to be able to think straight or sign all those papers while wearing snuggies and mountains of layers of cloth?

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 10:26 PM
Given some of the major hypocritical moves by the Republicans over the last few years, I would say this is a case of the "kettle calling the pot black."

And yes, I purposely reversed that saying. I mean after all, kettles are black and pots only sometimes have a little black on them.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 10:32 PM
I love how people who call Fox News, Faux News. It really gets a point across.

Harvard Finds the Media Biased

CMPA Independent Study

These are just two independent studies that show how 'bias' and 'faux' Fox News really is when compared to other news stations. Not trying to start a flame war, but at least try and keep an open mind and ear, when listening and watching a variety of news stations. It's really not that hard. After all, it is the MSM. Can't really take them all that serious.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Vipassana
Honestly though Faux news come on: "the rest of the country has been trudging through a tough winter. . Ice storms have cut power to millions in the Midwest and South."
this is a total lie, colorado is experiencing a relatively warm summer, and random ice storms happen every winter. Faux news shouldn't be considered a credible source with this kind of talk.

LOL. You're pulling one state out of the bunch and calling Fox news an uncredible source?? You should head on over here to Western Pennsylvania. So far, this has been the worst winter I've seen since I moved here. We had a two week period where it didnt' climb out of the teens and it has snowed just about every day since the beginning of november. As I type this, I have about 18 inches of snow sitting in my yard and that's after the melt from last weekend when it climbed up into the low 40s.

Let me tell you, most of the country is getting the worst winter in a long time.

Regarding the actual topic of this thread. Yes, this is hypocricy at it's finest. It's a mistake to fault Obama or Gore alone for it though. The problem is that all of the politicians at the federal level (and most at the state level) are rich. They can preach all that they want that the average person needs to conserve energy and do their part. However, in the end, they don't really care. They're rich enough that they can afford to keep their mansions as warm as they want regardless of the energy costs.

I'm far from rich, but I kind of have the same attitude. I keep my house at 68 because I can afford it. I work 60 hours a week and take side jobs to supplement my income so I've decided I'm going to be comfortable in my home without wearing four layers of clothing and I don't feel a bit bad about it. Then again, I don't preach about conserving energy either.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by IKnowNothing
I love how people who call Fox News, Faux News. It really gets a point across.

These are just two independent studies that show how 'bias' and 'faux' Fox News really is when compared to other news stations. Not trying to start a flame war, but at least try and keep an open mind and ear, when listening and watching a variety of news stations. It's really not that hard. After all, it is the MSM. Can't really take them all that serious.

Of course we cant take them serious. Its not like I think CNN or MSNBC is any better, but I'm not the one making threads calling Obama a hypocrite. Political "news" in MSM is always bias. Clearly in this article Murdoch's intention is to discredit Obama's environmental policy before it has even got off the ground.

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle
So far, this has been the worst winter I've seen since I moved here. We had a two week period where it didnt' climb out of the teens and it has snowed just about every day since the beginning of november. As I type this, I have about 18 inches of snow sitting in my yard and that's after the melt from last weekend when it climbed up into the low 40s.

Let me tell you, most of the country is getting the worst winter in a long time.

That's hardly a brutal winter by Colorado standards, so to say "most of the country" is misleading. This particular year the northeast and midwest are experiencing a multitude of storms, big deal. Winters are harsher in some regions some years and not in others. This doesn't mean that the 08-09 winter is some epic problem that the "whole country" is trudging through and that it will be remembered like Katrina or something.

edit: go penns

[edit on 3-2-2009 by Vipassana]

posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by Vipassana

Really, thats Murdochs plan?! Wow I have a new respect for fox news. Back on topic, Obama is a hypocrite for sure but so is every other politician. Do as they say not as they do.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by Wethesheeple

Obama is 100% typical politician!!! Even though Tom Daschle has withdrawn from HHS nominee, Obama still after learning of the tax dept backed. I saw a clip of Obama on CNN or Fox News where after he answered some questions and was about to leave one reporter asked if he still backed Tom Daschle after learning about Daschle owing the government more than $100,000 in unclaimed income. WOW way to lead by example Barack!!!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by BluegrassRevolutionary
Given some of the major hypocritical moves by the Republicans over the last few years, I would say this is a case of the "kettle calling the pot black."

And yes, I purposely reversed that saying. I mean after all, kettles are black and pots only sometimes have a little black on them.

Yes because we all know "real change" comes from doing wrong and justifying it by saying "well you did it why can't we" Great post, you made an excellent point!

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by leisuredrummer

Originally posted by BluegrassRevolutionary
Given some of the major hypocritical moves by the Republicans over the last few years, I would say this is a case of the "kettle calling the pot black."

And yes, I purposely reversed that saying. I mean after all, kettles are black and pots only sometimes have a little black on them.

Yes because we all know "real change" comes from doing wrong and justifying it by saying "well you did it why can't we" Great post, you made an excellent point!

Hey, I never said this was justified by the actions of the Republican party. I merely made what I felt was a very accurate observation. And by the way, I really don't think Obama did anything wrong. I assume it is your position that Obama should heat the White House by wood stove or wear extra clothing to keep warm. The funny thing is that if Obama instead started an initiative to make the White House solar or wind powered, you would criticize him for wasting tax payer money.

Calling him a hypocrite for heating the White House is a ridiculous claim and you know it, or at least you should. Maybe you would rather have a president who doesn't claim to care about the environment and takes every opportunity to weaken environmental protections, I for one would not.

On a side note, in your opinion what would, in this situation, represent "real change"?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 06:31 PM
Well coming from first hand reports that one could "grow Orchids" in the Oval Office, then I assume Obama isn't living by the ideals he spouts. It's ok though, he comes from Hawaii, so he can keep it on 90 degrees if he would like. The rest of Americans though, are bad people if they would like to keep their home temperature at 72 degrees? It's a hypocritical statement by Obama, it's clear.

I think it's unnecessary but I would applaud Obama for making the White House solar or wind powered. At least he would be living by the standard he promotes.

If he truly wanted to follow the green initiative, he would eliminate the fact the a twin 747 travels behind Air Force One on all overseas trips as well as a fleet of C-130's carrying fuel for Air Force One to fill with at foreign airports.

Or perhaps cut down on the motorcade of SUV's and limo's?

The guy is a joke. He expects everyone elso to toss their luxuries, yet he can keep his own? When I see him toting around in a black armored Prius, then I will stop criticizing him.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Vipassana

so I guess you think Fox news is suppose to bow down to obama?

Since when is it wrong to question our president?

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Dark Jester
reply to post by Vipassana

so I guess you think Fox news is suppose to bow down to obama?

Since when is it wrong to question our president?

since the messiah came from the heavens and became president.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by leisuredrummer
If he truly wanted to follow the green initiative, he would eliminate the fact the a twin 747 travels behind Air Force One on all overseas trips as well as a fleet of C-130's carrying fuel for Air Force One to fill with at foreign airports.

Or perhaps cut down on the motorcade of SUV's and limo's?

The guy is a joke. He expects everyone elso to toss their luxuries, yet he can keep his own? When I see him toting around in a black armored Prius, then I will stop criticizing him.

The items you listed are not luxuries, they are security measures. So by your logic, for a president to be pro-environment he must trade his personal security else he is a hypocrite. This is quite unreasonable.

I will give you that it is slightly hypocritical for Obama to ask American's to cut back on heating their homes and not do it himself, however calling him a "joke" because of it is rather extreme. One thing to remember is that the White House is not just a residence, it is also an office building with dozens of employees and often like a hotel when it hosts heads of state and other guests.

Another way to look at it is that once Obama begins creating pro-environment legislation, the benefits he bestows upon the environment will many times over offset the damages done by his extra hot home. In other words, though it Obama's home heating choice is a bit hypocritical given his stance on the environment, I think he has earned it.

Again, give me a hypocritical president who actually benefits the environment instead of one who is not hypocritical in his environmental destruction. I will take the former any day of the week and so should you.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by BluegrassRevolutionary

The items you listed are not luxuries, they are security measures. So by your logic, for a president to be pro-environment he must trade his personal security else he is a hypocrite. This is quite unreasonable.

I will give you that it is slightly hypocritical for Obama to ask American's to cut back on heating their homes and not do it himself, however calling him a "joke" because of it is rather extreme. One thing to remember is that the White House is not just a residence, it is also an office building with dozens of employees and often like a hotel when it hosts heads of state and other guests.

Another way to look at it is that once Obama begins creating pro-environment legislation, the benefits he bestows upon the environment will many times over offset the damages done by his extra hot home. In other words, though it Obama's home heating choice is a bit hypocritical given his stance on the environment, I think he has earned it.

Again, give me a hypocritical president who actually benefits the environment instead of one who is not hypocritical in his environmental destruction. I will take the former any day of the week and so should you.

I understand where you are coming from but I think it would make a statement if he were to cut back on what, in my opinion, is an over abundance of security measures.

I am not sure where the offsetting excuse has been coming from. If I go out and rob a bank and then donate all of the money to charity, that doesn't make it right and it doesn't offset my bad action. Why shouldn't the President lead by example? Just because he can sign bills into power doesnt make him any better than anyone else and more entitled to comfort in his own home.

Not everyone has that power and that shouldn't be an excuse to why they have to live with their home temperature set to the Presidents standards.

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