We just received the latest billing from our local power company. All I can say is something like STICKER SHOCK. Granted its been damn cold here in
the upper midwest, the latest is over twice as much as the previous billing period. All tho I havent researched the invoice or contacted the power
company we are not happy with this at all.
We burn natural gas in an updated furnace,keep the thermostat at 68,and before winter caulked and Wstripped.
I can only wonder what the older less insulated homes will be paying?
Can this invoice be contested or do we just say oh *snip* once again.
I have an 18 yr old unit nat. gas, old, breezy house and shut the thing off at night-every night, and pay more than twice what relatives pay for a
house more than twice the size. It hurts!!
I really cant believe no other posters are not POed about this.Obviously you live in warmer climes or gladly give your hard earned money to businesses
that price gouge in order to make a profit no matter what. I dont care about points Im *snip*. You can have my points, staying afloat whats matters to
my family!
My heating bill for this month was just shy of $300 bucks. We have an older furnace for the main part of the house and then a gas wall furnace in the
addition. Luckily, we are on the deal that divides up your payment into 12 months, so we have $130 dollar payment year round. It wasn't always like
that and being hit with a $300 gas bill every month in the winter was pretty hard.
Thank God Im in a condo and well insulated! Did the bill say it was an actual reading of your meter? or was it an estimate?
If it was an estimate have them come by and take an actual reading.
Here in Blighty we have a lot of problems with 'estimated' bills.. Some times it seems like someone literally pulls a (always high) figure out of
the air. Most people just blindly pay it - the burden of proof is on you the customer which is wrong... Someone seeks money from you they should
provide the data.
My folks and many i assume around here keep there temp below 70 degrees in order to save money. It is cold here in Ohio where the average temp has
been 35 in the day and 10 at night. It is cold. But in the White House, our "beloved" president keeps it at around 80 (according to the Rush
Limbaugh show on 1/30/2007). Wow. Wish I could be that warm.
Wow! thats alot for a townhouse, but I hear electric heat is expensive. Do you have an option to heat per room? I know some people with electric can
shut the heat off in certain rooms their not using.
No, its a big electric furnace in a basement. I am on a work assignment for 12 months here in Ohio and this is my first winter here. My home is in
Los Angeles so imagine my shock
In S. California in the high desert and mountain areas a lot of people use those products. If you are on L.P. Gas or electric over here.......OH my
goodness, your heating bills are outrageous!!!!
OUCH!!!! We got a $610 light and heat bill. We had a way colder than average month in DEC. Im in Washington ST. and it snowed about 5 times in 2
weeks but it froze so it was a mess. We arent used to lots of snow and ice here so things shut down after a few days.
I have roomates or I would be screwed, the mortgage went up 600 a month also last year. 1 weeks notice. Thank goodness for friends. Im not eligable
but if your low income, call the electric or gas company and you can get a months free light bill. Thats how it is here anyhow. ALSO if you disabled
the light company will discount you 10 to %50 all the time.
I am on the "budget plan" thru Indiana Gas....our normal monthly payment is $180/ mo which I thought was quite steep. I opened the bill this month
and they've raised the monthly budget plan by $100 so my monthly payment is $280! That's almost as much as our car payment!!
And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the giant oil companies (waves to Rockefeller) rake in the biggest profit ever recorded in US history?
Something is seriuosly fraked.