posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 06:53 PM
The "echo" of this thread is quite ... demonstrative :
NO, the Americans are NOT ready to question their "way of live".
This means that the people who consumes half the energy in the world, who provoques quite half the pollution on earth, whose military budget is
superior to the total of all the others in the world, thinks that everything is all right, and should even be "better".
Wow ... Just have a look on reality, please ...
Your money was strong ... it's becoming monkey's money. When China who belongs in dollars (trade surplus) more than you produce in one year decides,
you're done. Bankrupcy is unbelievably an option.
Your domestic demand is plunging down.
Your car industry is sinking.
The unemployment is plumetting.
Your wars, your "smart wars" have driven against you even your allies.
Israel, is entangling you into an injust cause and disasters to come.
One half of the Americans are obese, 20% Diabetic.
Your heroes, the billionaires, are mostly crooks and thieves.
Greed and envy are the fuel of the "American way of life".
And ... you're not prepared to change your "way of life".
Questioning it is felt like an insult ...
I'm not an America Hater. I sometimes admire what America is able to do (ATS for instance). There are really sweet, openminded, kind and smart folks
among the American people.
But I tell you : YOU and WE are on the wrong path. This path leads to general hate and destruction.
It's time to invent a new world.
A world less stressed by the aim of richness and power, more sweet, openminded, kind and smart ...
You could show the way for that.
No many peoples on earth can.
You are one of those.