posted on Feb, 3 2009 @ 08:32 AM
A comment on the 1952 Washington flap. The objects were dumbell shaped.. two spheres connected by a tube.
In 1970, as a ten year old I saw one of these dumbell shaped craft up very close and had an encounter. I kept that to myself until I was in my early
40's in conversation with a researcher here, who then showed me clear photos from the Washington flap of 1952. They are the same craft as I saw way
back when.
Interestingly many more recent photos have been coming to light of these very same objects over Arizona, etc. You can read up on the '52 Washington
flap to learn why that event happened, in a number of books written by credible authors on the subject.
To these anomalies..
I agree that the clouds over islands in the ocean are probably repsonsible for the appearance of objects moving through the clouds. The M&M's I think
are more likely glitches in the information .. sorry, don't know the technical words.
While on the subject of ufo's, a numerologist/astrologer here has claimed that this month people everywhere will see real ufo's in the skies, not so
much fleets of them, but enough to show humanity that they are real.
I reserve judgement on this, and wait to see what happens. Also, I stick by my previous dumb comments about eating the M&M's when they invade