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Check the 9/11 footage again and see if you can get anything from the stock reports as they roll in

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posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:51 AM
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned on here before,
but if any of you know anything about reading stock reports and you don't mind going over the news reports of that day in particular from the earliest instance possible and see which company gained that day and what that company may have in commin with certain people etc etc.

2009 and still no blair and bush court date looks they got away with doing Iraq and all those petro chem dollars!

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by heretic today gone tomorr
my screen name was ment to be HERETIC TODAY GONE TOMORROW i dont know where the last 2 letters went.

The last 2 letters? Screen names weren't meant to be that long!

There are more than one post here that deals with the inside trading of 9/11.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by heretic today gone tomorr
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned on here before,
but if any of you know anything about reading stock reports and you don't mind going over the news reports of that day in particular from the earliest instance possible and see which company gained that day and what that company may have in commin with certain people etc etc.

2009 and still no blair and bush court date looks they got away with doing Iraq and all those petro chem dollars!

sure, let me drop everything I'm doing, taking 6 classes at college, working a part time job at Wawa, let me just stop all that, go back and check my

Stock Report Journal from 2001, ...

Now, flip to the 9/11 page. Ok.

Give me 6 hours to scan and look for suspicious purchases. I will be back in 6 hours, tired and hungry, with the report for you sir. Would you like any coffee?

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 03:35 PM
I just saw related charts the other day, stocks since Sept. 01.

Exxon (originally "Standard Oil" owned by J.D. Rockefeller, later "S.O.," "Esso," and now "Exxon"), Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Halliburton, and a couple of others.

If I find the charts again I will post them here.

I can tell you generally who the big winners were financially: any company that produces for our military, and many (if not all) oil companies. Amongst others, I'm sure.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:38 PM
Excellent, thank you for your reply!,

I knew someone would have asked these questions and had them answered but there is an enormous amount of data in ATS on 9/11 to go through which i have been through quite a bit and didn't see anything to what i was asking,
this is why i wanted to ask, so i know for myself that people would see the question, just in case someone may have missed it. the more people who know the angles the better!

and i might not have made my self out to be clear in what i was asking for, but you got was i was generally TRYING to ask,
well from what you have written I'd say this would be yet more evidence to push in the face's of the government along with all the rest, and show how one company is related to the other and then related to George Bush, Dick Chaney, Paul Wolfowitz, Tony Blair etc, and then make claims from there,
I have seen the videos of the firemen and police officers on that day and their untainted primary reactions, and what they said then is far more believable than anything any member of government or agency said afterwords.

It is really frustrating seeing people TRYING to ask the real important and meaningful questions only to be told to be quiet, sit down, or they'd get escorted out!
I have another question,,, i seen a couple of TV clips from before George Bush got elected and the the interviewer asked what was he a member of a secret society for (322 Skull and Crossbones), (Kerry also a member) He refused to answer as did Kerry,
now obviously they had the evidence for this to ask him and in getting that evidence they would have also known or had a general idea what this secret club was all about and must have known it wasn't a good thing, so in knowing that why did he even get a single vote let alone get in to power at all?

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

If you knew where those post's were you could have gave me a link, i'm willing to go and read what they say.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by ConservativeJack
OK then get back to me soon as you have the figure's.(joke)

I meant watch the clips from actual news reports of that day and have a look at rolling stock reports at the bottom of the screen,
I'm currently doing it and i'm just gonna jot down what they say and post back here.

but anyway good luck with collage and keep up the good work with that sarcasm!

[edit on 1/2/2009 by heretic today gone tomorr]

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