posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 03:14 PM
I have a memory of a past life, that the ets that were involved with our family seemed connected to revealing this to me at one time as the memories
started coming after seeing some alien script along with a discharge and a great deal of sorrow, and have had a very strange dream/vision episodes a
few years back that was consistent and lasted a couple of months, that showed our light bodies, and the lower dimensionals and a light sword. I was
rescued in the end by St. Michael and the entire thing was over, thankfully.
My son vibed on the exact same dark lord in my room that was in my dreams for over two months!
From what I understand we're multidimensional beings, with a higher self that is not in this dot matrix universe at all, and possibly experiencing
different lessons on different timelines. There is a possibility that Enki's group of renegades has this part of who we are trapped here, but that
is going to end, and the fight for freedom for this world lies ahead. Though its not necessarily true that we're all trapped here, and I believe
many leave anyway as they're on mission.
The truth is that the government is part of the Enki group of renegades, or at least their henchmen, so of course they know. They also know that many
of the ets are here now because of them, and we ourselves need to separate from doing their will, fighting their wars, treating each other with
We need let the leaders know they stand alone, and begin to act cooperatively, and in a caring way, disregarding money and finances, stepping out of
their system of slavery. That way, the same galactic law that gave the ets the ability to start to deal with their long standing enemies, namely the
nuclear weapons that we use on people, will also protect us so we won't fall on the wayside.