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posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:11 PM
Enough of the whiny posts, "I can't believe they're doing this to us".

You want to free a society? Fight! Get your guns and fight Authority!

All authority. People employed in the position of "supposed" public protection are immediately exposed to the greatest mental illness of all time...Authority.

Authority is no different than Santa Claus, an illusion.

This illusion, like Santa Claus only exists if others CHOOSE to believe in this illusion.

Enough whining about the BART transit murder. Time for ACTION!!!

What comes with the illusion of one person's "assumed" Authority over another person? Abuse in one manner or another, as well as attitude of superiority. Well, let me f'n tell all of you right f'n now...

Give a group of pipsqueak midgets a few guns and tasers, they too, will abuse their height inferiorities by acting superior. Hell, give a group of white people, black people, chinese, japanese or indian weapons, and guess what? They become your superiors as well in an unannounced meeting with people on the street.

It's called GANG MENTALITY, and this is what the illusion of Authority creates. It’s very simple, "We do what we want because we have the weapons and the power" mentality.

It doesn't just exist in the U.K., nor the USA or Canada, it's f'n worldwide.

People who become employed as police, military, security, guards, judges, teachers, doctors, social workers, government elect and the list goes on if they are "assumably" publicly employed, they all inherit a disease.

When I say "assumably" public employed, I mean, "they assume they are employed by public consent" when in fact, they are not, they are employed by a pyramid of infrastructures and a myriad of campaigns where the influence is economic and yet is relayed as public initiative.

Get your guns people and take back the streets you walk on.

Form groups in your community, and take it back.

Stop paying illegal taxes and stop "stopping" for people working as cops.

Treat any public employee who is harassing you as you would a gang bully, and give those people what they deserve, a WAKE UP CALL...

Authority is an illusion which can only be enforced by intimidation and violence; otherwise, the masses will stop being controlled by fear.

Are these people really there for your causes? Hell no! And don't give them any respect. Know they get a cheque every 2 weeks and in between then, they get to play Superior with the general public.

Remember, when you were kids, "cowboys and indians" and "cops n robbers" were just an illusion we played and is no different now, “civilians and public employees” are just a game as well. However, it is a game that requires bully intimidation, fear generating and apathy amongst all.

You want real freedom? Create community groups, get your video cameras and guns, and offer fire power for fire power.

When the media gets their information from the government to relay to the mass public that this is "Vigilanteism” and the government is enacting new legislation against it", just remember this, the LAW is composed of written comments, and the book of LAW is so far fetched, no human could learn every section in a lifetime, it is an illusion of control and intimidation.

The time to fight back is long overdue and this message will make sense to those who recognize truth. Eliminate the social disease, which is called Authority.

In final, for those who remember the old stories of the battle between the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s. Imagine after the McCoy’s killed the Hatfield’s, they told the community, us "McCoy’s are investigating us McCoy’s to determine if there is any wrongdoing on our behalf". Guess what? Police departments do it every hour of the day, and if you are not one of them, well, sorry, but, you asked for it somehow.


And yes, I have been fighting corruption for 10 years now, and I have gone to a level that even Mr. Alex Jones lol has not.


[edit on 31-1-2009 by PAYBACKCOMESSOON]

Mod Edit: Removed all caps title.

All Caps – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by Gemwolf]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

Yes! An excellent idea! Whining on the internet has no effect on the powers that be. You need to go out!

I however suggest you leave your guns home. They are pretty much useless here. What we need is a complete change in the way we view the world. To get rid of hierarchies, power, violence, greed, ignorance, all ape-like group behaviour. It is time we evolve beyond that.

Violence in itself is the worst abuse of power - If you use it, you are pretty much the same as those in authority today. We need to have tactics that reflect our goals. We don't need guns at all. Guns are a big part of the problem in themselves.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 01:17 PM
I appreciate the response, and agree that guns are trouble, however...

To appreciate reality of threat, we need to remember the war in iraq,

If Iraqi's had the firepower of the US military, there would be no war,

kind of like when the South Koreans said we have nukes facing the US,

and nothing is being done even today, why?

The only way to fight a psychopath is become one,

And the only way to fight a war is to use the same tactics.

GUNS are necessary to fight GUN WEILDING BANDITS.

Otherwise, they will continue to abuse and not listen to reason.


posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON
I appreciate the response, and agree that guns are trouble, however...

To appreciate reality of threat, we need to remember the war in iraq,

If Iraqi's had the firepower of the US military, there would be no war,

kind of like when the South Koreans said we have nukes facing the US,

and nothing is being done even today, why?

The only way to fight a psychopath is become one,

And the only way to fight a war is to use the same tactics.

GUNS are necessary to fight GUN WEILDING BANDITS.

Otherwise, they will continue to abuse and not listen to reason.


who cares this whole thread, everything is pointless. No offense to you of course, but nothing will happen nothing will change your 'passionate words' will not move anyone into fits of passion. America will continue watching their superbowl and eating their potato chips and being told what to do. I'm sick of threads attempting to exhort the mass populace into action. NO ONE will take any action, it's a lie of history to think that at this point anyone can actually awaken the mass consciousness of the country which is so cravenly subdued by the mass brainwashing of junkculture/media which I'm sure has all been designed and controlled by the elites just for that purpose.
Obese americans will continue staring at their boobtube while the world goes to hell around them, no amount of internet hero sabre rattling will change that. Your message probably just reached 20-50 people at the most, maybe 5-10 of them agree with you. This is out of a country of 300,000,000+. I hope you realize how ineffectual and futile it all is.
You should just relax, get some popcorn and watch the show unfold and just go with the flow. Save yourself and let natural selection flush the societal waste down the toilet as Travis Bickle would say.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

I have to agree with you right now.

Americans have been living in this lifestyle and they like it. Most don't even know what's happening. It's easy to say it and plan it but it's hard to do it. People will change things when they start DOING something. It will also require a lot of people. I don't see this happening right now. But who knows what will happen next year.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 02:23 PM
I agree with what you're saying but violence is not the answer.

Violence just breeds violence.

Communities need to become autonomous, and self sufficient, take the power back by just refusing to play their game. When cops enter your community kill them with kindness, being aggressive allows them to act the way they only know, with violence. Grow and distribute you own food and don't pay taxes etc. Don't use their money or banking system. Open collectives and have the workers all own their own means of production etc...

Look into 'permaculture' as a way of living...

What is Permaculture?

Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way. Without permanent agriculture there is no possibility of a stable social order.

The only thing that stops us doing this is imagination, apathy, and a lack of community spirit. We don't need the 'system', but it can't function without us.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 03:10 PM
I agree in portion that society's apathetic nature will not change and this type of post won't lift the spirit, but, hell, if I don't incite the readers, maybe I can piss off the uc's looking in, just to remind them not all is so assured and control is not synonymous with all of humanity.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by PAYBACKCOMESSOON]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by PAYBACKCOMESSOON
I agree in portion that society's apathetic nature will not change and this type of post won't lift the spirit, but, hell, if I don't incite the readers, maybe I can piss off the uc's looking in, just to remind them not all is so assured and control is not synonymous with all of humanity.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by PAYBACKCOMESSOON]

Don't get me wrong, I feel absolute RAGE and MURDEROUS ENMITY deep in my heart for what's going on right now, for the 'elite' that have enslaved us and are orchestrating all these heinous crimes against us as we speak, I would utterly without compassion murder every last one of them but by the same token I am educated and logical enough to know that my passion and hatred for humanity's current enslavement is few and far in between.
Look at it this way, President Bush's approval rating was, I believe the lowest in history, somewhere around 20-30% if Im not mistaken (maybe less) and even at that point, 80% bloody percent of the entire POPULACE didn't like its own leader and they still didn't do anything, didn't revolt, didn't rebel, didnt' stage a single mass riot. So if they didn't at that point, you think they will during Osama Hussein bin Laden BArrack..whatever his name is, who currently holds a 65-75% approval rating? which means only 20-30% disagree with him

Please..this pathetic country has been so drugged up, sedated and mass brainwashed by the disgustingly diseased and pornographic modern junk/pop culture that NOTHING will awaken them to action at this point, NOTHING.

Like I said before, there is no recourse, just save yourself and your family, taken care of you and yours and pray for the "Just God" to wash away the craven, the fractious, the apathetic filth.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by rufusdrak]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by PAYBACKCOMESSOON

wow OP i recently started a thread with the same tone and could not agree more. i said we need to start to get together with locals in our community. of course this wont work if we think of it happening over night. but if we can get together in small groups around, then we can slowly grow. maybe even be in touch and start protests. once people see a group protesting, they will join and we can meet more like-minded individuals and spread even more.

and i agree people are so afraid of guns today yet that is why we have the second amendment. because our founding fathers have been there and they KNOW how it must be done. we cant coem with words and negotiations. we MUST use the same tactics. which is fear. they will only listen when they know fear.

i'd say now we just need to get together with other passionate individuals and start making something happen. i know sitting on my a%* isnt gonna get anything done and wont protect my children


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