posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 06:00 AM
Supercool thread.
Yes, only child here. I cherish my alone time. I often stay up late after my husband and my young daughter go to bed to get this needed time. They
will often go and do things togeather like go to the park or play xbox and I do my own thing.
Crowds totally freak me out. You should see me at the Indy 500, I'm a wreck - no pun intended. It's like I can pick up on the energy or something.
Makes me feel dirty lol
I was often tagged as stuck up or worse. And yes, that was not my intent. I'm just shy.
I have one friend and she's an extream extrovert and doesn't understand me. She doesn't see how I can have fun going to the movies alone or
wherever. I've even gone to amusment parks by myself
I like to do it alone whatever it is. I can go where I want, leave when I want, sit where I
want and hell, I think I'm pretty darn good company.
I enjoy doing puzzles, reading, watching movies, playing rpgs, cooking and just getting into drawing. I went to a threapist after I had to fight
doctors and take my mom off life support. She asked what I liked to do and I listed these things and she said 'these are all things you do alone can
you name something you do for fun with other people?' I stiffled a laugh and thought yeah, sex, hee hee but didn't say that. Point being, I don't
find it abnormal - for me, it's always been the normal.
After being in the rat race and rising to upper management, I'm now a stay at home mom and totally in element. I get puzzled looks from other moms
and they ask how I can stand it being at home all day. I love it!!
Thanks for the post. I've really enjoyed reading everyones responses too.