reply to post by merryxmas
As you say it is that, but also could be a few different causes to. You might need to do some Qi Quong or accupuncture also, is your liver healthy? do
you eat a Yoga Diet as such?
There could be a blockage of Chi or a blockage on your second third chakra as you do this.
It is normal to generate a lot of heat in Yoga depending on what form you are practising, something that is very important is what are "Visualising"
when you do it, or is your mind just wandering, or are you just focusing on your breath or bits of your body doing the exercise.
If not visualising anything and the form you practise has no visualisations to go with it, do the following, on the in breath imagine Prana/Chi
entering your body through your Third eye chakra as a very delicious Golden light, travel over your crown chakra, down your spine, this golden energy
is refreshing new gorgeous, see it as you yoga going down your spine through all the chakras to the base one, and then to wherever you want, or the
part you are extending moving in the movement, on the outbraeth it returns as it came, but flows down clearing your third eye, down the front of your
face and out of your mouth, dont ever let it leave through your third eye as it comes in.
But dark sticky old tired heavy energy and when you exhale COMPLETELY no reserve left all this is gone.
Repeat this you will find after time the out breath is not soo sticky in minds eye, getting lighter and eventually will be as clear and golden as the
Chi coming in. When you do this for a while to you may notice the enrgy spralling or spinning down and up, let that go as it fells, let your feeling
adjust it till its right for you.
I am sure two weeks of this will sort it out if not go to a teacher or use Tai Chi before the routine, or best 10 mins tai chi every morning or 5 mins
simple exercise no teacher needed "Raising the Sky" look it up, just 10 reps a day, but FULL breath in and completely out all of it.
Ive seen this too when people don't warm up properly, or breath properly, , well actually empty of old breath properly.
Maybe time to go to a class and get some guidance , ask a teacher?
Of interest you might find Tu Mo or Tumo very interesting, Tibetan do some research on it.
Kind Regards,