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A Conspiracy Against Barack Obama?

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posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:23 AM
First and foremost before I go any further I have to say that I did not vote for Obama and I am not a supporter of his policies as President. I am not an Obamaniac.

Now thats out of the way. I am the kind of person who is always objectively analyzing everything around him. I owe no loyalty to any political party or person. I owe my loyalty to my country. I question anyone who puts party, ideology, or person first.

In recent times I have noticed a trend that is growing and building. There is a rising discontent on the Right against Obama. Propaganda is on the rise. Some of it is absurd. At the same time I tried to purchase an M-4 type asault rifle recently and everything is gone. The BX(note Barksdale AFB has one of two AAFES BXs that sell Assault and Sniper Rifles, the other is Minot AFB) is sold out, online stores are sold out. Check for yourself and google Federal Firearms Liscensed dealers on their inventories of Assault and Sniper Rifles. The manufacturers like Bushmaster seem to be back ordered on weapons.

There seems to be a growing hostility fueled by propaganda against Obama. This hostility is causing people to buy up weapons like I have never seen. It is building and at some point the hostility is going to explode.

I don't know what the goals or objectives of the people pushing the propaganda are. I don't know who they are either.

Some might say it is people on the far right or the Banker elite. Others may say it is by Obama's own people in what is known as Black Propaganda.
Black Propaganda:

Black propaganda is false material that purports to be from a source on one side of a conflict, but is actually from the opposing side. It is typically used to vilify, embarrass or misrepresent the enemy.

In this case it may be used to vilify the "enemy", which would be the conservative right.

Regardless of the source or objective of the propaganda, I ask people to question and investigate any story or claim of so called Obama worship or other such stories. Do not accept anything at face value. Do not be mislead and misguided by the absurd. Someone seems to be pushing people towards something. Something that will only divide the country.

Be objective and seek the truth.

If we don't, the damage that could result could put our nation, our people and their future in peril.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Obama is not relevant (Nor would be McCain if he won).

People are pissed.

When country starts to fall economically political parties usually use heavy propaganda against each other to distract people from true source of the fall, capitalism.

In it's original form (same as pure socialism) it cannot stand the winds of change.

Those who own this country, despite economic fall, will not give up taking more and more money from those who through hard work gave it to them.

Revolution (civil war, if you will) follows as society MUST evolve, no matter how those who would like to keep it's current state are trying.

Do not be afraid

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I collect firearms as do many of my friends.

Now with that being said, "we" are in fact buying as many as we can in expectation of the usual attacks on the 2nd Amendment perpetrated by the Liberals who are now in full power.

I have personally bought a half dozen or so since the election and intend on buying as many more as my finances will allow.

One of the "Clubs" I frequent just recently went in and all but emptied out a local firearms dealer just last month. (I did get some great deals)


posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Sorry, I just gotta ask.

Guns are a right so people can defend themselves.

What justification do you have for hoarding them?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Did you read my post?

If so, you may have noticed the word, **Collect**

Not Hoard, Collect

That should clear things up

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Okay, but I never understood the need to collect guns, so I usually associate "collecting" guns with "hoarding them". I don't believe that the Democrats will take away the right to bear arms. They may try to regulate guns a bit, but, I'm not quite so sure why some regulation on the gun industry is a bad thing. I mean, it's not like they're going to take away the right to own guns. I would be okay if they restricted the ownership of guns to people above 18 years of age and placed tighter restrictions of ownership for people under 18 years of age.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by 5thElement
Obama is not relevant (Nor would be McCain if he won).

People are pissed.

When country starts to fall economically political parties usually use heavy propaganda against each other to distract people from true source of the fall, capitalism.

In it's original form (same as pure socialism) it cannot stand the winds of change.

Those who own this country, despite economic fall, will not give up taking more and more money from those who through hard work gave it to them.

Revolution (civil war, if you will) follows as society MUST evolve, no matter how those who would like to keep it's current state are trying.

Do not be afraid

Revolutions and civil war do not evolve societies.

Historically they bring death and suffering. The Bolshevik and French Revolutions did not evolve society. Things are always changing because humans are insatiable. They cannot be satisfied. They cannot be content. Someone, somewhere is somehow always screwing things up for everyone else through selfish agendas. The cycle is self perpetuating. Before the bankers, it was the nobles and clergy. In Communist countries the Laborers became the new elite and the cycle began again. Whoever fills the power vacuum becomes the new elite.

Obama has become the focal point for hositility, so he is very much relevant. To many people on the Right, he represents the Other. This Other easily translates into a Bogeyman or Scapegoat. In this sense he is being used to propel the agendas of others.

My point is that someone using Obama as a focal point for an agenda. It may be the Far Right or it may be Black Propaganda from the Far Left. Either way it will be disastrous for the country.

Violence will only perpetuate more violence. It will lead to even more loss of rights and liberties. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The violence creates the Police State that people warned of. The people who overthrow the Police State then create the Hell on Earth they were trying to stop.

The Directorate in France made the King look like humanitarian. Stalin made the Tsar look humane.

We need to think objectively for ourselves and resist the urge to listen to propaganda. We must exercise self control or people will bring about what they are trying to prevent.

[edit on 30/1/09 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I collect firearms as do many of my friends.

Now with that being said, "we" are in fact buying as many as we can in expectation of the usual attacks on the 2nd Amendment perpetrated by the Liberals who are now in full power.

I have personally bought a half dozen or so since the election and intend on buying as many more as my finances will allow.

One of the "Clubs" I frequent just recently went in and all but emptied out a local firearms dealer just last month. (I did get some great deals)


Everyone is cleaned out and it is driving me crazy. I want to buy a firearm for security and defense. A few months ago assault weapons were everywhere. Now they are nowhere. The manufacturers are even backed up.

The BX doesn't know if they'll even get anymore and if they do it will be in 6 months. I reiterate 6 months. By that time an Assault weapons ban will probably be in effect. Even without the ban many people who hoard the weapons don't have a FFL, meaning they couldn't sell to the average person legally.

The average person will be hopeless, while the wealthier people have arsenals locked away that only they can use.

If the crap hits the fan people who have to save up to buy weapons will be out of luck. Handgun vs. assault rifle fails everytime. The nuts in the streets will have assault weapons, no ban will stop them from getting things illegally. In the end it will be the little people that suffer.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I agree that assault weapons like the AR and AK are in short supply these days. This is due to the fact that many people fear that the Democrats will soon impede your rights to own such weapons. Though this may happen on a small scale due to increased regulations, ownership of assault weapons will in no way end.

On a side note, if you are serious about purchasing an AR, try some online auction sites like these.

However, be prepared to pay perhaps $300 more than you would have a year ago due to the unrealistic fears I already mentioned.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
At the same time I tried to purchase an M-4 type asault rifle recently and everything is gone. The BX(note Barksdale AFB has one of two AAFES BXs that sell Assault and Sniper Rifles, the other is Minot AFB) is sold out, online stores are sold out. Check for yourself and google Federal Firearms Liscensed dealers on their inventories of Assault and Sniper Rifles. The manufacturers like Bushmaster seem to be back ordered on weapons.

The question is are they unavailable due to excess demand, or is that an excuse to stop people purchasing them? TPTB don't want you having guns, look what they did to us Australians.

Anyway, about Barack, there seems to be conspiracies for and against him. Either way, all is not normal. Something is cooking...

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by BluegrassRevolutionary

Thanks for the info.

I signed up with GunsAmerica and have made some inquiries.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 04:42 AM
I have to say is a reputable site.

Some collectors have started buying parts like lowers and such and building their own guns.

And about gun collecting: It is no different than collecting figurines, coins or any other type of thing. There is always one more you got to get.

I've been an avid collector for most of my life.

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