posted on Jan, 28 2009 @ 06:32 AM
Here we go again, we know that its going to pass despite objections, nothing new. I guess 1.4 trillion was not enough so lets add another $850 billion
and see if that works. When will they finally figure it out...this is not working.
What about helping the little guy for a change or is that not the change we should expect? Well I guess not...the new boss is the same as the old
boss. Hope we don't get fooled again.
This pushes the national debt over $9.4 trillion, who's going to pay that? It looks like they will not be happy until they have destroyed the economy
and ruined the dollar beyond all recognition. I feel like we have been violated again and we didn't even get a kiss.
What is the solution, more money down the drain or Sen. Ron Paul's idea of letting it crash and right itself through adjustments? Your opinions.
(visit the link for the full news article)