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this needs to be done to create a good economy

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posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 08:32 AM
I have did alot of thinking and here is what i came up with. Everyone talks about how we can create a better economy by raising the value of the middle class. This will not work, it might for awhile but the economy will fall again. In a bigger veiw what is happening is something we all see but on a much larger scale. We the people of america see that the people in america dont get enough from the buisnesses. this is correct but you have to think bigger, think global. lets look at america as a single employee. we will call that employee "joe". and europe we will call them "bob". Now we have china we can call it "ray". then you have the countries in the middle east we will call them "manny". now manny loves working hard manny makes about minimum wage. joe and bob are the owners of where manny works so they get slightly more pay then many. Now Ray on the other hand owns the technology joe and bob need to keep there buisness going so joe and bob both give some of there share to ray. joe and bob are not the only ones who share there profits with ray. One day manny decides he needs more money because he is not getting anywhere close to anything joe, bob, or ray, and other, so manny demands more pay from joe and bob. joe and bob loose money they demand more pay from ray, ray doesnt give it to them so bob and joe have to fir mannys cousins........ What i am getting at is that this happens in our country as well as in the bigger picture. it is a cycle and will keep happening. we need to save our selves and people are not listening to me and its making me angry. it will just keep happening. we need to do something. what we need to do is start over we need to build up from the bottom we need to protect the right to america a country being able to support a buisness and not allowing that buisness to leave her side we need american owned buisnesses on american soil making american things from american resources this is the only way guys. its kind of like cancer we can slow it down but only a cure will save us all. well this is the economic cure why do you think china is soo good because they own the buisnesses that is what we need we cant afford not to do this i wish you people in this country would understand this

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Times have changed but the American product has not. It's the same brand as always and that's the problem with the bailouts. Instead of letting your business take a deserved slap to the face, you, the people decided to help it out with the hope that it would give it time to rise again on it's own feet.

But what you really do, is you allow a failing business to keep failing even more for 10 more years. The business cannot and does not need to adapt to modern times when you falsely inject it with revenue. You reward a product which does not reward itself.

Ofcourse you were fooled into these decisions by the people who have all the money at stake and those people just decided to take the easy way out. YOUR money.

We've all seen the actionhero who takes out 30 guys with a lasergun while doing flips and flying through the windows, but we've gotten sick of that movie. Now we can look forward to 10 more years of superheros shooting people in cool angles, but good luck selling the junk.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 09:45 AM
I'm not even gonna bother reading this until the op learns how to use the return key.

There are these magic things called paragraphs, they live in a wonderful world that is populated by words spelled and spaced correctly, a world in which it is not a struggle to read, a dream world to many.

[edit on 27-1-2009 by Europe]

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 09:50 AM
good you are ignorant go do something with yourself keep destroying our country because of your ignorance but dont ruin what i am trying to do in all actuality you must have read it and found no flaws to express your hatred on you are a hater get lost

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 09:55 AM
it is spelled correctely. It may not be politicaly correct sorry. but it is correct

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Please learn how to punctuate your sentences.

I'm assuming you meant "God you are ignorant" rather than "good you are ignorant" because what you said does not make sense in the context of your post, learn how to present your points properly and I will take you seriously.

Until that point in time I will not read it, if it is that important to you that people read your ideas then I suggest you present them properly.

Take it easy.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 01:40 PM
i dont want people like you to read my ideas it will do me no good at all

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Economies will always be cyclical, it's just what they do. Boom and bust and all that. You have several years of boom (this used to be down to solar activity affecting crops, now it's more down to a saturated market) and a couple where nobody wants to buy anything, causing losses in jobs, causing less spending etc. etc. until the market sorts itself out.

Because the consumption and production of resources to help oneself and profit is in human nature, you cannot break boom and bust economics, sorry.

Also, autarky always, always fails. Even in a state with the vast resources of the US, you will find that you need oil from other states to build up the foundations of your 'new' economy, and will then realise that drilling from shale oil is a massive effort which is entirely not worth it, and so on and so on.

China is in a "good" state because it pays its workers an utter pittance, and they do the labour which is too dangerous or tedious for people who can afford to do better to even consider. You will not get Americans wanting to work for a couple of dollars a day, and unless you print more money to 'afford' to pay US workers at US rates, this cannot be done, if you do print said money, you are going to have massive inflation which cripples every class in society.

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 01:59 PM
ok i understand that economies crash but i personally feel strongly about building an economy just like it was in the old days, where america is supporting americans not some other countru if this was still in act we would be out of the global loop of the economic mess we would have safer products because we would not be importng be we would be creating something from ourselves for ourselves. if i understand correctely we could have our own economy just as easily as we can have a global economy and it would be just as effective but better because it would not crash unless americans just quit working. As long as there is a need of something, then someone is willing to fullfill that need, for something in return

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by freedomandliberty
ok i understand that economies crash but i personally feel strongly about building an economy just like it was in the old days, where america is supporting americans not some other countru if this was still in act we would be out of the global loop of the economic mess we would have safer products because we would not be importng be we would be creating something from ourselves for ourselves. if i understand correctely we could have our own economy just as easily as we can have a global economy and it would be just as effective but better because it would not crash unless americans just quit working. As long as there is a need of something, then someone is willing to fullfill that need, for something in return

The time when "Americans supported Americans", eh? You mean when slaves did all the hard work, right? Because other than that (and the main reason for the success of that era was due to British demand for cotton) that has never been the case.

America is never going to be "out of the loop" in our modern, global economy. You are always going to have Americans investing overseas and vice versa. If you try to stop it by law, people will just ignore or get around the law. It simply cannot be done.

posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 09:33 PM
if they choose to do that then they do not want america to be a thriving country so they can be deported for all i care and run a buisness over sea somewhere else

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